Agenda Groupe de travail Grid
Consultez ici l’agenda des réunions du Groupe de travail Grid, les points qui y seront abordés et les rapports des réunions passées.
Agenda 19 février 2025
European Market:
- Core IDCC_C first results of EXT // run
- CREG incentive: ID ATC design
- Core LTCC: way forward
- 30' Gate Closure Time: update
- Status of discussions on cooptimisation and relaxation of deadline in case of decoupling
- Workshop on EU Congestion Management toolkit
System Service Design:
- CREG incentive: CRI monitoring
- iCAROS: feedback on the informal consultation T&C SA - REX iCAROS phase 1 & release 1 iCAROS phase 2 + Design clarification: simultaneous signal of Return to Schedule (RTS and FCR in opposite direction)
- GUFlex: status project and way forward
- MVAr: status project and way forward
- NCC Annual Report 2024
- Solar Eclipse dd. 29/03/2025