Press releases
Below you will find an overview of the latest news and press releases to inform the market and the public in the most accurate and transparent possible way.
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18 July 2024
Elia Group invests in SET Ventures to support digital innovation in the energy sector
Elia Group is investing €12.5 million in SET Fund IV, a €200 million international venture capital fund managed by SET Ventures. This capital will be invested progressively over the next 4 years in European start-ups that are developing digital technologies and services and are mature enough to be scaled up. -
10 July 2024
Elia making every effort to restore high-voltage grid in Mechelen region following storm
The high-voltage system operator Elia has set up a task force to secure the high-voltage line in and around Leest (Mechelen). -
21 June 2024
Summer Outlook: Elia calls for vigilance from market parties this summer
There is a real chance in the months ahead that our energy system will come under pressure on days when a lot of renewable energy is produced but consumption levels are low. -
19 June 2024
Presentation of Princess Elisabeth Island during Belgian economic mission to Norway
Elia Group’s interim CEO, Catherine Vandenborre, took part in the Belgian economic mission to Norway which was presided over by Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid. -
13 June 2024
Elia wins Blue Innovation Swell Award
The Princess Elisabeth Island's nature inclusive design has won a Blue Innovation Swell Award. The judges of the Blue Innovation Awards praised the unique co-creation approach that Elia adopted: this involved bringing together experts in nature conservation and the marine environment from public and private institutions, universities, design consultancies and non-governmental organisations. -
07 June 2024
European officials visit Nemo Link
As part of the schedule of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of European Union, Elia Transmission Belgium and Nemo Link hosted a tour of its converter station in Zeebrugge. -
28 May 2024
Rentel wind farm cable back online
Approximately four months on from the failure of the cable which connects the Rentel wind farm to the mainland, the repair work has now been completed. -
21 May 2024
Elia Group Annual General Meetings approve 2023 financial results and dividend payment
Elia Group today held an Ordinary General Meeting and an Extraordinary General Meeting. 71,39% and 71,29% of the shares were represented at the Ordinary General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting, respectively. Shareholders were able to attend the General Meetings in person or digitally. -
21 May 2024
Going like the wind: an exhibition about wind power for young and old
On Monday 20 May, the Mayor of Ostend, Bart Tommelein, and Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten inaugurated Going like the wind, an interactive exhibition which is being hosted at Fort Napoleon in Ostend. -
05 April 2024
Elia joins forces with industry to facilitate smart charging for cars
The transition to a carbon-neutral society will lead to a drastic increase in the share of electric cars on the road. -
29 March 2024
Elexide wins Elia Group’s third hackathon aimed at unlocking flexibility through real-time pricing
Elia Group’s third hackathon, which centred on unlocking flexibility through real-time pricing, brought together participants from various sectors and backgrounds to tackle one of the energy sector's most important challenges: the unlocking of consumer flexibility. -
01 February 2024
Elia Group completes the acquisition of a minority stake in energyRe Giga
Further to the company announcement issued on 4 December 2023, Elia Group’s acquisition of a minority equity interest in energyRe Giga Projects (“energyRe Giga”) has been completed today on 1 February 2024. -
29 January 2024
Meshed high-voltage grid in Belgian North Sea prevents Rentel wind farm outage after cable incident
During periods of very high winds, the transmission capacity of four Belgian offshore wind farms will be temporarily limited due to the fact that the cable from the Rentel platform to the mainland was damaged after an incident. -
18 January 2024
Elia is named "Top Employer" for the seventh time in a row and makes significant progress in wellbeing at work and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Elia has been named as one of Belgium’s ‘best employers’ for the seventh year in a row. -
10 January 2024
Elia Transmission Belgium successfully places second €800 million Green Bond
Elia Transmission Belgium (“ETB”) has successfully placed a €800 million green bond under its €6 billion Euro Medium Term Notes (“EMTN”) programme, to be listed on the Euro MTF market operated by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. -
15 December 2023
Design for new Offshore Service Centre in Ostend unveiled
Elia will soon start construction on a sustainable offshore service centre in Ostend. The design submitted by the OYO-TRACTEBEL joint venture has been selected. -
12 December 2023
Frédéric Dunon confirmed as CEO of Elia Transmission Belgium
As a shareholder in Elia Transmission Belgium, Elia Group can today announce that Frédéric Dunon has been confirmed as Chief Executive Officer of the Belgian system operator. -
08 December 2023
Elia Group presents its short- and medium-term financial targets during its Capital Markets Day
Elia Group is set to host its second Capital Markets Day on December 8, 2023, themed "Future Proofing Elia Group." -
07 December 2023
Elia develops tool to support new grid connections for projects not yet known
The Hosting Capacity Map should help grid users find a suitable location for projects that require a new grid connection. -
06 December 2023
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visit the 50Hertz (Elia Group) facilities in Berlin in the presence of the German President and First Lady
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the headquarters of 50Hertz, a German electricity transmission system operator and subsidiary of Belgian company Elia Group, as part of the Belgian state mission which is running from 5 to 7 December in Germany. -
24 November 2023
Quarterly statement: Elia Group Q3 2023
On Friday 24th November, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q3 2023. -
16 November 2023
Elia and Statnett will investigate the economic and technical feasibility of a hybrid interconnector that will link Norway to Belgium
The grid operators Elia (Belgium) and Statnett (Norway) are investigating the feasibility of constructing a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) hybrid interconnector that would link Belgium and Norway to offshore windfarms. -
14 November 2023
The CREG approves electricity transmission tariffs for the period 2024-2027
The CREG Management Committee has approved the adapted tariff proposal submitted by Elia for the 2024-2027 regulatory period. -
13 November 2023
Elia takes seven tangible measures to enhance biodiversity around the Princess Elisabeth Island
System operator Elia wants to boost biodiversity around the future energy island in the North Sea. -
30 October 2023
CRM auction result (Y-4) for 2027-2028 published on
System operator Elia has published the result of the third Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) auction. -
26 October 2023
Elia’s Academic Board meets for the second time to foster collaboration and address challenges linked to the energy transition
On 19 October, Elia’s Academic Board met in person for the second time in Brussels. -
03 October 2023
Environmental permit awarded for Princess Elisabeth Island, a key link in our future energy supply
Construction of the Belgian energy island will start early next year. North Sea Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne has approved the relevant environmental permit. -
29 September 2023
Elia rolls out second stage of East Loop
Elia, the Belgian power grid operator, rolled out stage two of the East Loop project this Friday 29 September in the presence of Walloon Energy Minister Philippe Henry. -
07 September 2023
Catherine Vandenborre appointed as Chief Executive Officer Ad Interim of Elia Group
The Board of Directors met on 6 September 2023, at 6 p.m., in connection with the departure on 30 October 2023 of Chris Peeters, Chief Executive Officer of the Elia group. -
29 June 2023
Elia publishes its adequacy & flexibility study for Belgium for the period 2024-2034
Elia has published its fourth biennial study which focuses on Belgium's adequacy and flexibility needs for the coming decade (2024-2034). -
21 June 2023
Elia Group’s Extraordinary General Meeting approves amendment of the articles of association
Today, Elia Group held an additional Extraordinary General Meeting following the carens Extraordinary General Meeting it held on 16 May 2023. -
15 June 2023
Elia and Ecofirst share their experience in managing ecological corridors under high-voltage lines
On 14 and 15 June, electricity transmission system operator (TSO) Elia took part in a workshop organised by the European NGO RGI (Renewables Grid Initiative) on the development of ecological corridors under high-voltage lines. -
31 May 2023
Pioneering autonomous robot used to inspect ALEGrO’s HVDC converter station in Belgium
Last week an autonomous robot was installed in Elia’s main HVDC converter hall in Lixhe during the hall’s yearly outage period of one week. -
17 May 2023
Elia fits bird diverters to its high-voltage lines by helicopter
For the first time, Elia, the Belgian electricity transmission operator, is using a helicopter to fit bird diverters. -
17 May 2023
Elia to build sustainable service centre in the Port of Ostend for its offshore activities
Elia and the Port of Ostend have signed a concession agreement which covers the construction of a service centre for the TSO’s offshore activities. -
17 May 2023
Quarterly statement: Elia Group Q1 2023
On Wednesday 17th May, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q1 2023. -
02 May 2023
Disclosure in accordance with section 15 of the Belgian Act of 2 May 2007
As a result of the implementation of the capital increase in favour of the members of the personnel of Elia Group NV/SA and its Belgian subsidiaries, as recorded in a notarial deed dated 26 April 2023, Elia Group NV/SA has issued 5,984 new shares. -
07 April 2023
Elia, Natuurpunt and Natagora join forces with the SafeLines4Birds consortium to reduce bird mortality along power lines
Elia, Natuurpunt and Natagora are the Belgian stakeholders in the international SafeLines4Birds consortium which aims to reduce bird mortality around power lines. -
15 February 2023
Elia Group is one of 20 companies to join the new BEL®ESG stock market index
Elia Group is one of the Belgian companies selected to be part of BEL®ESG, the new stock market index directly linked to sustainability launched today by Euronext. -
14 February 2023
Elia and Amprion commit to close collaboration for second German-Belgian interconnector
The German transmission system operator Amprion and its Belgian counterpart, Elia, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) relating to the construction of a second cross-border interconnector. -
31 January 2023
Nemo Link celebrates its fourth anniversary with exceptional operational performance, supporting security of supply in both the UK and Belgium
Nemo Link, the first electricity interconnector between the UK and Belgium, recorded exceptional performance in 2022. -
17 January 2023
Elia is named “Top Employer” for sixth time in a row and makes significant progress in sustainability-related areas
Elia has been named as one of Belgium’s ‘best employers’ for the sixth year in a row. -
12 January 2023
Elia Transmission Belgium has successfully placed its inaugural €500 million Green Bond
Elia Transmission Belgium has successfully placed a €500 million Green Bond under its €3 billion Euro Medium Term Notes (“EMTN”) programme to be listed on the Euro MTF of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. -
23 December 2022
Disclosure in accordance with section 15 of the Belgian Act of 2 May 2007
As a result of the implementation of the capital increase in favour of the members of the personnel of Elia Group NV/SA and its Belgian subsidiaries, as recorded in a notarial deed dated 13 December 2022, Elia Group NV/SA has issued 47.920 new shares. -
25 November 2022
Quarterly statement: Elia Group Q3 2022
On Friday 25th November, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q3 2022. -
21 November 2022
Prime Minister De Croo and Minister Van der Straeten visit the Baltic Eagle offshore platform in Hoboken
On Monday 21 November, Elia Group welcomed Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and the Belgian Federal Minister of Energy, Tinne Van der Straeten to visit the Baltic Eagle offshore transmission platform. -
10 November 2022
Elia launches its first Academic Board in collaboration with Belgian Universities
On October 28, Elia launched its first Academic Board in Belgium. -
02 November 2022
Elia launches a public consultation on its 2024-2034 Federal Development Plan
The public consultation exercise regarding Elia’s 2024-34 Federal Development Plan will be launched on Wednesday 2 November and is due to last for two and a half months. -
28 October 2022
CRM auction result (Y-4) for 2026-2027 published on
Transmission system operator Elia has published the results of the second capacity remuneration mechanism (CRM) auction. The auction took into account the extension of two nuclear reactors and last year's successful auction. -
19 October 2022
SELECT wins second Elia Group hackathon
The decentralisation of the electricity system requires more flexibility and innovative digital and customer-friendly solutions to manage the generation, transmission and consumption of electricity. -
03 October 2022
Elia presents its plans for an energy island, which will be called the Princess Elisabeth Island
In the presence of federal ministers Tinne Van der Straeten (Energy) and Vincent Van Quickenborne (North Sea), system operator Elia has presented its draft plans for what will be the world’s first artificial energy island. -
27 September 2022
A first in Belgium: Elia deploys drones to install bird diverters on its high-voltage lines
Today, Elia is installing bird diverters using drones – a first in Belgium. -
12 September 2022
2000 home batteries help keep the Belgian electricity system in balance
Riemst, 12 September 2022 – More than 2000 families in Flanders help to maintain the balance in the Belgian electricity grid, via their home battery. -
21 June 2022
Elia Group’s Extraordinary General Meeting approves twofold capital increase to the benefit of staff
Today, Elia Group held an additional Extraordinary General Meeting following the Extraordinary General Meeting it held on 17 May 2022. -
15 June 2022
Elia Group SA launches a rights offering
Elia Group SA launches a rights offering (with extra-legal preferential rights for existing shareholders) of a maximum of 4,739,865 new shares, amounting to a maximum €590,113,192.50 -
10 June 2022
Sentrisense wins the Open Innovation Challenge with sensors that monitor the health of overhead lines using AI
BRUXELLES - BERLIN | Sentrisense, a start-up from Poland, has won Elia Group’s sixth Open Innovation Challenge (OIC). -
09 June 2022
Flow-based market coupling mechanism extended to all 13 countries of the Core capacity calculation region, furthering the energy transition
On 8 June 2022, the use of the flow-based market coupling mechanism was extended to cover the day-ahead timeframe across all 13 countries of the Core capacity calculation region (CCR), which includes Belgium and Germany. -
02 June 2022
Elia Group organises its first offshore innovation event as it seeks to promote an open innovation ecosystem
The European Commission is aiming to make offshore renewable energy “a core component of Europe’s energy system” by increasing Europe’s offshore wind capacity from 16 GW today to 300 GW by 2050. -
18 May 2022
Quarterly statement: Elia Group Q1 2022
On Wednesday 18th May, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q1 2022. -
28 April 2022
Ministers take part in safety training session in preparation for offshore visit
For this year’s World Day for Safety and Health at Work, ministers Tinne Van der Straeten (Energy) and Vincent Van Quickenborne (North Sea) took part in a safety training session in preparation for a future visit to the MOG, Elia's ‘power plug’ in the North Sea. -
15 April 2022
Minister Dermagne visits the Arcadis Ost platform in Aalborg
On Thursday 14 April, Elia Group teams welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy and Employment, Pierre-Yves Dermagne, to the construction site of the Arcadis Ost platform in Aalborg, Denmark. -
13 April 2022
Results from the rerun of the first CRM auction (Y-4) published on
The Belgian transmission system operator Elia has published the results of the so-called ‘rerun’ of the first capacity remuneration mechanism (CRM) auction, which was triggered following the ministerial order of 25 March 2022. -
11 April 2022
Elia donates electrical equipment to Ukrenergo to support Ukrainian high-voltage grid
At the request of the Ukrainian government, several European transmission system operators are sending electrical equipment to Ukraine. The Belgian system operator Elia is donating four generators and other equipment worth 200,000 euros. -
16 March 2022
Chris Peeters named Manager of the Year
BRUSSELS - The weekly business and finance magazine Trends has named Chris Peeters, CEO of Elia Group, as Manager of the Year 2021. -
22 February 2022
Elia Group expands its international offshore activities through its new subsidiary WindGrid
Elia Group's Board of Directors has approved the formation of a new subsidiary. Through WindGrid, Elia Group is ready to meet offshore development needs. -
11 February 2022
Elia Group’s sixth Open Innovation Challenge is focused on sustainability
The annual Open Innovation Challenge (OIC) allows Elia Group to maintain close ties with a broad ecosystem of start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). -
20 January 2022
Elia named Top Employer for the fifth year in a row, obtaining higher scores in several categories
BRUSSELS – Elia has been named one of the best employers in Belgium for the fifth year in a row. -
07 January 2022
Belgium’s 2021 electricity mix
Record number of exports due to slight increase in production of renewable energy and a stable nuclear fleet.
05 January 2022
Federal government gives green light to the energy island
On Thursday 23 December, Belgian electricity transmission system operator Elia welcomed the federal Council of Minister's approval – further to a proposal made by the Ministers for Energy and the North Sea – of the planned extension of the modular offshore network to include the future Princess Elisabeth zone. -
22 December 2021
Elia Transmission Belgium publishes its first Green Finance Framework, aligning its funding strategy with its objective to accelerate the energy transition
In line with Elia Group’s role as an enabler of the energy transition, Elia Transmission Belgium (ETB) - Elia Group’s Belgian subsidiary - has published its first ever Green Finance Framework. -
21 December 2021
Elia Group CEO appointed as new chair of Roundtable for Europe's Energy Future (REEF)
Elia Group CEO Chris Peeters will become chair of the Roundtable for Europe's Energy Future in January 2022. -
17 December 2021
Installation of markers on high-voltage lines leads to 75% fewer bird collisions
Installing markers on high-voltage lines leads to a sharp drop in the number of bird collisions, according to a Natuurpunt study commissioned by Elia. -
26 November 2021
Quarterly statement: Elia Group Q3 2021
On Friday 26th November, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q3 2021. -
25 November 2021
ALEGrO, the first interconnector between Belgium and Germany, celebrates its first anniversary and a year of good results
The first electricity interconnector between Belgium and Germany was commissioned a year ago (on 18 November 2020) by system operators Elia and Amprion. ALEGrO posted good results for its first year of operation: 93 % of availability and exchanges totalling 4.5 TWh. -
23 November 2021
Elia and Energinet’s collaboration is advanced following preliminary study on hybrid interconnector between Belgium and Denmark
System operators Elia (Belgium) and Energinet (Denmark) are to continue collaborating on the implementation of what could become a world first: the first undersea connection between two artificial energy islands which will be able to exchange power between the two countries and at the same time transport electricity from offshore wind farms to the mainland. -
19 November 2021
Elia Group publishes “Roadmap to Net Zero”, our vision on building a climate-neutral European energy system by 2050
Tremendous efforts from across society are required to fight global warming. And yet, uncertainty remains about the necessary policies and the roadmap that can lead us to net zero. -
16 November 2021
Siemens Energy, Nemo Link, Ross Robotics and Elia Group collaborate over development of autonomous robots to optimise the inspection of HVDC converter halls
The use of such robots will improve asset inspections and maximise the operation of HVDC converter halls. -
09 November 2021
Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon received at 50Hertz headquarters in Berlin for meeting with Flemish companies pioneering in offshore wind
BERLIN | Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon visited the 50Hertz headquarters in Berlin during a working visit to Germany. -
03 November 2021
Elia Group (BE-GE) and Octopus Energy Group (UK) sign agreement to collaborate on consumer-centric energy flexibility services to facilitate the energy transition
Elia Group and Octopus Energy Group, two pioneering companies in the energy sector, have signed an MoU which reinforces their joint commitment to placing consumers at the heart of the energy transition. -
31 October 2021
CRM: results of first auction (Y-4) now available on
BRUSSELS | Elia has published the results of the first capacity remuneration mechanism (CRM) auction for the 2025-2026 delivery year on its website. -
20 October 2021
German regulator sets return on equity for electricity and gas networks for the next regulatory period
BNetzA has published the future equity remuneration for all gas and electricity grid operators for the next regulatory period (electricity 2024-2028), at a pre-tax rate of 5.07%, post-tax 4.13%. -
18 October 2021
Green Bid wins Elia Group’s first ever hackathon on energy services for consumers with solution that allows prosumers to sell their excess solar energy
BRUSSELS -From 13 to 15 October, Elia Group hosted its first ever hackathon, which aimed to translate the Group’s vision on consumer centricity into tangible, practical solutions. -
04 October 2021
Belgian Pavilion at Dubai World Expo opens in collaboration with Elia, BESIX and DEME
DUBAI – The 35th World Expo has kicked off in Dubai under the slogan Connecting Minds, Creating the Future. -
22 September 2021
Elia makes overhead line by Eau d’Heure lakes more visible to birds
Bird markers help birds see the overhead line better so they don't collide with it. Elia, the operator of the Belgian high-voltage transmission grid, installed bird markers following a study that identified those lines in Belgium that are potentially the most dangerous to birds. -
30 August 2021
Elia Group tests long-range drones for inspecting power lines
A drone helicopter has been used for the first time for long-range inspections of power lines near Trois-Ponts. These BVLOS (beyond visual line of sight) drones may ultimately replace inspections using helicopters. -
19 August 2021
Elia Group and Malaysian electric utility company Tenaga renew cooperation agreement for exchange of best practice
Elia Group and Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) are celebrating the signing of a second Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). -
29 July 2021
Update - 14 and 15 July floods. Current status of repair work on the high-voltage grid
Immediately following the recent floods in Wallonia, electricity transmission system operator Elia was hard at work restoring its infrastructure. -
28 July 2021
Elia Group announces 2021 half-year financial results
Half-year results: Elia Group delivers on investments to further decarbonise society. -
12 July 2021
8 leading European transmission system operators launch a common initiative to support the energy system to reach carbon neutrality
They have published a joint paper that highlights the key enabling role TSOs are playing in the establishment of a climate-neutral society by 2050. -
07 July 2021
To facilitate data-driven decision-making, Elia launches EPIC, its new customer platform, together with its Open Data Platform
Elia’s suite of digital services offers our customers and stakeholders convenience, transparency and the data they need to take sound operational and commercial decisions. -
25 June 2021
Elia publishes its adequacy and flexibility study for the period 2022-2032
On Friday, as required by law, Elia published its most recent biennial study on Belgium's adequacy and flexibility needs for the coming decade. -
22 June 2021
TideWise from Brazil wins Elia Group’s Open Innovation Challenge
TideWise is this year’s winner of the Open Innovation Challenge, a joint initiative organised by the Belgian and German transmission system operators Elia and 50Hertz. -
18 June 2021
Elia Group publishes white paper on a consumer-centric and sustainable electricity system, calling for collaboration and inviting allies to its first hackathon
BRUSSELS – BERLIN | “Towards a Consumer-Centric and Sustainable Electricity System” outlines Elia Group’s proposed market design for unleashing competition behind the meter. -
16 June 2021
Nesting boxes on Elia pylons provide successful places for kestrels to breed
Since 2007, more than 300 young kestrels have been born in nesting boxes hanging from the Elia high voltage line between Tienen and Sint-Truiden. -
15 June 2021
Elia and Red Eléctrica de España (REE) sign an innovative agreement for enhancing asset management
Elia, the Belgian transmission system operator (TSO), and its Spanish counterpart, Red Eléctrica de España, have signed a collaboration agreement to work on innovative solutions that will help to transform the management of their respective electricity grids. -
11 June 2021
Five finalists announced for Elia Group’s Open Innovation Challenge
The five finalists of the Open Innovation Challenge have been announced. The Open Innovation Challenge is a joint initiative organised by the Belgian and German transmission system operators Elia and 50Hertz. -
10 June 2021
Solar eclipse has limited impact on Belgian grid
A solar eclipse cast a shadow over large swathes of Europe on 10 June 2021. The generation of solar electricity in Belgium dropped by 15% during the eclipse. As the share of renewable energy in Belgium's energy mix continues to grow, natural phenomena such as solar eclipses and storms can impact Elia’s power grid. -
07 June 2021
The solar eclipse will have a limited impact on the Belgian grid
Brussels | A solar eclipse is set to cast a shadow over large swathes of Europe on 10 June 2021. During this event, the generation of solar electricity will drop by 15% in Belgium. As the share of solar power in our energy mix continues to grow, natural phenomena such as solar eclipses can impact the power grid. -
04 June 2021
Elia Group presents its sustainability action plan: ACT NOW
In recent years, sustainability has become a core part of Elia Group's strategy. Our ACT NOW plan defines concrete and measurable objectives which outline how we will embed sustainability into our business processes in the years ahead. -
19 May 2021
Quarterly statement: Elia Group Q1 2021
Elia Group remains confident with regard to realising an Adjusted Return on Equity (ROE adj.1) of between 5.5% and 6.5% for 2021. -
18 May 2021
Elia Group Annual General Meeting approves 2020 financial results and dividend payout
Today, Elia Group held its Ordinary and Special Annual General Meetings, during which the shareholders approved all of the proposed items which were discussed in line with the meeting agendas. -
14 May 2021
Thirty companies selected for second round of tests in IO.Energy ecosystem to work on new energy services
Some 30 companies from various industries will test out new energy services as part of the Internet of Energy (IO.Energy). -
02 April 2021
Elia Group launches enhanced Inside Information Platform, reinforcing its commitment to transparency
Elia Group has launched an enhanced Inside Information Platform which provides data visualisations representing the unavailability of electricity facilities owned by its system operator companies Elia (in Belgium) and 50Hertz (in Germany) -
01 April 2021
Elia makes overhead line in Ghent Canal Zone visible to birds
Bird markers have been installed on the overhead line by the R4 road in Evergem to ensure birds can see it better and collide with it less often. -
31 March 2021
Elia Group’s incubator sparks digital innovation
The Nest, Elia Group’s incubator, is encouraging staff to become digital innovators. -
29 March 2021
Using drones and AI to inspect Elia's high-voltage pylons
Drones will soon be helping us make sure the lights stay on in Belgium. They will be used to inspect high-voltage pylons. -
18 March 2021
Disclosure in accordance with section 15 of the Belgian Act of 2 May 2007
As a result of the implementation of the capital increase in favour of the members of the personnel of Elia Group NV/SA and its Belgian subsidiaries, as recorded in a notarial deed dated 18 March 2021, Elia Group NV/SA has issued 7,360 new shares. -
10 March 2021
Elia Group to rejoin BEL 20
Elia Group will rejoin the BEL 20 index on 22 March 2021. The company has been listed on Euronext Brussels since 2005 and was previously included in the BEL 20 between March 2012 and March 2017. -
03 March 2021
Elia Group announces results for the 12 month period ending 31 December 2020
Full year results
Elia Group makes crucial investments for energy transition while delivering strong financial results.
26 February 2021
Pieter De Crem succeeds Kris Peeters on Elia's Board of Directors
Pieter De Crem was co-opted as a non-independent director on to Elia’s Board of Directors at the recommendation of Publi-T (core shareholder). -
24 February 2021
BESIX, the construction company, and Elia, the grid operator, want to give smart buildings an active role in the electricity system
To achieve a climate-neutral society by 2050 as outlined in the European Green Deal, more than just an energy transition is needed. -
12 February 2021
Elia and Energinet launch feasibility study for hybrid interconnector between Belgium and Denmark
System operators Elia (Belgium) and Energinet (Denmark) have set up a working group to examine the feasibility of a subsea cable between Belgium and Denmark that would link the high-voltage grids of both countries over a distance of more than 600 km. -
03 February 2021
Two years of outstanding operational performance for Nemo Link, the UK-Belgium interconnector
Nemo Link, the first electricity interconnector between the United Kingdom and Belgium, has performed very well during its first two years in operation. -
01 February 2021
Elia begins upgrading the 92-kilometre-long high-voltage line between Zandhoven and Kinrooi
Elia, Belgium's high-voltage system operator, has begun upgrading the high-voltage line between Zandhoven and Kinrooi. -
30 January 2021
Elia upgrades north-south axis of Belgian high-voltage grid between Kruibeke and Dilbeek
Elia, the Belgian high-voltage grid operator, is upgrading the north-south axis of the Belgian electricity grid
between the Mercator and Bruegel high-voltage stations in Kruibeke and Dilbeek, respectively. -
28 January 2021
Elia named Top Employer for fourth year in a row
Elia has been named one of the best employers in Belgium for the fourth year in a row. -
26 January 2021
Two members of Executive Committee swap positions Elia Transmission Belgium
Two members of Elia Transmission Belgium's Executive Committee will swap positions in early February. -
26 January 2021
Be Planet and Elia join forces to support sustainable development in eastern Liège Province
Following on from last June's call for projects from private individuals and associations, the Be Planet foundation and Elia today presented the 13 projects that will benefit from the community support fund in connection with the second phase of the East Loop (‘Boucle de l’Est’) project. -
19 January 2021
Elia Group awarded 2020 BelMid Company of the Year
Elia Group receives the BelMid Company of the Year 2020 award during Euronext annual New Year’s Ceremony. The company receives this award because it has demonstrated the highest relative increase in market capitalization last year. Since 2005 Elia Group is listed on Euronext Brussels. -
14 January 2021
Elia Group’s fifth Open Innovation Challenge focuses on innovative solutions for offshore wind applications
Elia Group, a European Group of transmission system operators active in Belgium (Elia) and northeast Germany (50Hertz), is set to launch its fifth Open Innovation Challenge. -
07 January 2021
Belgium’s electricity mix in 2020: Renewable generation up 31% in a year marked by the COVID-19 crisis
Elia, Belgium's electricity transmission system operator, has collected the available information concerning the electricity generation mix in Belgium in 2020 based on the data currently at its disposal. -
22 December 2020
Disclosure in accordance with section 15 of the Belgian Act of 2 May 2007
As a result of the implementation of the capital increase in favour of the members of the personnel of Elia Group NV/SA and its Belgian subsidiaries, as recorded in a notarial deed dated 22 December 2020, Elia Group NV/SA has issued 67,757 new shares. -
30 November 2020
Adequacy study for Belgium : no need for strategic reserve for winter 2021-22
On 30 November Elia has published its probabilistic analysis of Belgium’s adequacy situation for the winter 2021-22, an important element for the Federal Minister for Energy to take into account when deciding on the required volume of strategic reserve. -
25 November 2020
Quarterly statement: Elia Group Q3
On Wednesday 25th November, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q3 2020. -
24 November 2020
SIDC: Confirmation of the launch of 15 and 30 minutes cross-border intraday products on belgian bidding zone borders from 10 December 2020
As announced previously in the press release of 23 October 2020, Elia, together with SIDC TSOs and NEMOs confirm that they will launch 30 minutes cross-border products in intraday continuous trading on the Belgian-French border as well as 15 and 30 minutes cross-border products in intraday continuous trading on the Belgian-German, Belgian-Dutch and Dutch-German borders. -
09 November 2020
Elia and Amprion launch ALEGrO, the first interconnector between Belgium and Germany
On Monday 9 November, system operators Elia and Amprion inaugurated the first electricity interconnector between Belgium and Germany. -
23 October 2020
SIDC: New 15 and 30 minutes cross-border intraday products on bidding zone borders between Belgium, Germany, France and The Netherlands
On Thursday 10 December 2020, the NEMOs EPEX SPOT and Nord Pool EMCO and TSOs Amprion, Elia, RTE and TenneT will launch 30 minutes cross-border products in intraday continuous trading on the Belgian-French border as well as 15 and 30 minutes cross-border products in intraday continuous trading on the Belgian-German, Belgian-Dutch and Dutch-German borders. -
20 October 2020
Combined Grid Solution, the world's first hybrid interconnector, inaugurated today by 50Hertz in the Baltic Sea
On 20 October, German TSO 50Hertz (Elia Group) and Danish TSO Energinet inaugurated Combined Grid Solution (CGS), the world's first hybrid offshore interconnector. -
13 October 2020
Elia Group launches re.alto, its own corporate start-up to accelerate digitalisation of the energy sector
Elia Group has today officially announced re.alto, its first corporate start-up company. The re.alto marketplace brings together providers and users from all sides of the energy economy. -
12 October 2020
Elia signs first credit facility with pricing mechanism linked to sustainable performance targets
Elia Transmission Belgium (Elia), operator of the Belgian high-voltage grid, today announced it has signed a €650 million revolving credit facility (RCF) agreement that is tied to three of Elia’s sustainability performance targets. -
09 October 2020
IO.Energy ecosystem enters its second phase and plans to test new energy services
The first sandboxing phase of the Internet of Energy (IO.Energy) project came to an end on Friday 9 October and was marked by an event attended by Thomas Dermine, the new State Secretary for Scientific Policy, Recovery and Strategic Investments. -
16 September 2020
ALEGrO: last junction completed
The Walloon Ministers for Energy, Philippe Henry, and Spatial Planning, Willy Borsus, attended the completion of work on the ALEGrO project this Wednesday at the Lixhe converter station in Liège Province. -
11 September 2020
Heptasense from Portugal wins Elia Group innovation competition
Heptasense is the fourth winner of the Open Innovation Challenge, an initiative by the Belgian system operator Elia and its German sister company 50Hertz. -
07 September 2020
Historic piece of Berlin Wall at Elia site highlights link between Berlin and Brussels within Elia Group.
Former President of the European Council and Prime Minister of Belgium, Herman Van Rompuy, together with the German Ambassador, Martin Kotthaus, and other dignitaries have unveiled a fragment of the Berlin Wall at Elia's site in Schaerbeek. -
24 August 2020
Hainaut Loop
Project presentation and start of the procedure to apply for a sector plan revision -
29 July 2020
Elia Group 2020 announces Half-year financial results
Half-year results: Elia Group shows operational continuity in extraordinary times. -
03 July 2020
Five Elia Group innovation competition finalists announced
Five finalists from different parts of the world are still in the running for the fourth Open Innovation Challenge. The contest is a joint initiative by Belgian system operator Elia and its German sister company 50Hertz. The Open Innovation Challenge helps Elia Group to innovate in highly specific areas of its work as a system operator by engaging in joint projects with start-ups. -
24 June 2020
Large-scale evacuation drill at Benelux's tallest high-voltage pylons
Mayor Bart De Wever has today been evacuated from one of the high-voltage pylons on the banks of the Scheldt in Antwerp. These pylons form the backdrop of a spectacular week-long evacuation drill organised by Brandweer Zone Antwerpen and Hulpverleningszone Waasland, the fire and emergency services of Antwerp and Waasland respectively. -
18 June 2020
Electricity consumption in Belgium is gradually reaching normal levels
Electricity consumption in Belgium has started rising again and is gradually returning to normal. It is currently 5% lower compared to the average for the last five years. -
29 May 2020
Last offshore wind farm successfully connected to North Sea power hub
The connection of the Seastar wind farm marks the completion of the Modular Offshore Grid (MOG), Elia’s offshore power hub. Located 40 km off the Belgian coast, the switching platform bundles together the export cables from four offshore wind farms and transports the generated energy to the mainland via a shared transmission system -
27 May 2020
Elia donates €255,000 to the King Baudouin Foundation's anti-poverty COVID-19 fund
Over the past few weeks, the management, employees and directors of system operator Elia have taken part in an in-house solidarity drive, ultimately raising a total of €255,000. -
20 May 2020
Third regional generation adequacy assessment report published
This report provides the main findings of the third edition of the Pentalateral Generation Adequacy Assessment (PLEF GAA 3.0). -
20 May 2020
Quarterly statement: Elia Group Q1 2020
On Wednesday 20th May, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q1 2020. -
19 May 2020
Elia Group Annual General Meeting approves 2019 financial results and dividend pay-out
Elia Group today held its Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings, at which shareholders approved all agenda items. -
06 May 2020
Elia supports King Baudouin Foundation's anti-poverty COVID-19 Fund
The members of Elia's Management Committee have decided to contribute their entire salary for the month of May to the King Baudouin Foundation in support of its COVID-19 Fund to combat poverty. -
21 April 2020
Elia Transmission Belgium’s first bond issuance since corporate reorganisation
Elia Transmission Belgium has successfully launched a €800 million Eurobond under its new €3 billion EMTN programme listed on the Euro MTF of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. -
17 April 2020
Special arrangements for the Elia Group general meetings on 19 May 2020
Exceptionally, shareholders and bondholders will not be able to physically attend the ordinary and extraordinary general meetings of Elia Group on 19 May 2020. -
27 March 2020
UPDATE | Electricity consumption in Belgium continues to fall. Down 16% on average compared to early March, and even dropping 25% at times.
- The gradual restriction on activities in Belgium to prevent the spread of the coronavirus is leading to a further downturn in electricity consumption.
20 March 2020
Peak electricity consumption in Belgium 10 to 15% lower than at start of March.
Well-functioning of the electricity system guaranteed. -
06 March 2020
Elia Group (Euronext: ELI) announces results for the 12 month period ending 31 December 2019.
Full Year Results:
Elia Group realised its ambitious investment program, achieved strong operational and financial results and is ready to realise the next phase of the energy transition bringing maximum welfare to society. -
04 March 2020
Elia's LIFE project achieves very positive results in improving biodiversity under high-voltage lines
The Elia LIFE project has had the aim of creating green corridors to enhance biodiversity under overhead electrical lines. Project partner Ecofirst has now compiled a scientific report on the biological monitoring of the project sites. The report takes stock of the actions carried out between 2011 and 2017 in order to assess the impact of the investments on biodiversity. The results are highly encouraging, with 98% of evaluated sites showing conclusive outcomes. -
05 February 2020
Elia named Top Employer again after enhancing its expertise in various areas of HR
Elia has been named one of the best employers in Belgium for the third year in a row. -
04 February 2020
First ever power cable between UK and Belgium celebrates strong performance in its first full year of operation
Nemo Link, the first ever power cable between the UK and Belgium, has today reported outstanding performance figures as it celebrates its first full year of operation. -
27 January 2020
2020 Open Innovation Challenge focuses on digitalisation for enhanced security
Elia Group, a transmission system operator active in Belgium and northeast Germany, is set to launch its fourth Open Innovation Challenge this month. The competition invites start-ups from around the world to present solutions to any of the many challenges system operators face. -
20 January 2020
Designation of Elia Transmission Belgium as national and regional/local TSO and change of name of Elia System Operator to Elia Group.
Following the completion by the group Elia of its internal reorganisation on 31st December 2019, Elia Transmission Belgium has been designated as the national and regional/local Transmission System Operator (TSO) for the very high- and high-voltage electricity grid in Belgium. In addition, Elia System Operator will be renamed Elia Group SA/NV. -
08 January 2020
Belgium exported more electricity than it imported in 2019
As it does every year, Elia, Belgium's electricity transmission system operator, has collected the available information concerning the energy mix generated in Belgium based on the units connected to its grid. Discover the highlights in this press release. -
31 December 2019
Completion of the internal reorganisation of the Elia Group
Just before midnight today, Elia will have effectively implemented its internal reorganisation, the aim of which is to isolate and ring-fence the regulated activities of Elia in Belgium from the non-regulated activities and regulated activities outside Belgium. -
12 December 2019
Elia and 50Hertz publish a joint study on futureproofing the EU energy system towards 2030
From the perspective of two system operators (Elia in Belgium and 50Hertz in Germany), Elia Group wants to raise awareness about the increasing challenges on both the grid infrastructure (hardware) and the market design (software) of the European interconnected electricity system. The joint study ‘Future-proofing the EU Energy System towards 2030’ proposes two levers to realise the next phase of the energy transition in a timely and efficient way with maximum welfare for society. -
10 December 2019
Nemo Link Announces Transient Overload Facility
Nemo Link today announces that from 18th December 2019, the Maximum Physical Transfer Capacity (MPTC) of the interconnector will increase by 20MW for a period of 5 hours each day between 17:00-22:00 CET and will only be available in the direction Belgium to GB. -
02 December 2019
Adequacy study for Belgium: the need for strategic reserve for winter 2020-21
On 2 December Elia has published its probabilistic analysis of Belgium’s adequacy situation for the winter 2020-21, an important element for the Federal Minister for Energy to take into account when deciding on the required volume of strategic reserve. -
29 November 2019
Quarterly Statement: Elia Group Q3 2019
On Friday 29 November, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q3 2019. -
28 November 2019
European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Parties confirm successful XBID 2nd wave go-live.
European Single Intraday Coupling Parties (SIDC - formerly known as XBID) confirm successful 2nd wave go-live. Significant increases in traded volumes is reported across the seven countries who joined the SIDC coupling last week. -
08 November 2019
Shareholders’ Meeting approves reorganisation Elia Group
Elia held its Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 08/11/2019. All items on the agenda have been approved. -
08 November 2019
XBID Wave 2 Go-Live announced for 19th of November 2019
European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Solution (formerly known as XBID) and Local Implementation Projects confirm 2nd wave go-live date for November 2019. Seven further countries to be coupled with the fourteen already operational. -
07 November 2019
CREG approves Elia's electricity transmission tariffs for the 2020-2023 regulatory period, leading to an average decrease of 2.1% in 2020
CREG's Management Committee has approved Elia's revised tariff proposal for the 2020-2023 regulatory period. -
25 October 2019
Elia Group appoints Michael von Roeder as Chief Digital Officer
Elia Group is pleased to announce that Michael von Roeder will join the company as of 1 November 2019 as Chief Digital Officer (CDO). He will lead our digital transformation program and take over the leadership of the Elia Group IT and Digital departments. As CDO, Michael von Roeder will be a member of the Elia Group Committee (EGC). -
22 October 2019
Nemo Link announce Intraday Capacity Auction Go Live Date
Nemo Link and Elia are pleased to announce the expected GO-LIVE of its new intraday capacity product on 14th November 2019. Nemo Link will be the first Channel interconnector to offer hourly nomination gates which will enable market participants to optimise physical positions close to real time. -
04 October 2019
Elia hangs 'Firefly's' on high-voltage lines to make these more visible to birds
At the request of Flemish nature conservation NGO Natuurpunt, system operator Elia is attaching Firefly's to its high-voltage lines for the first time, making these more visible to birds. -
02 October 2019
Board approves new company structure of Elia Group
The Board of Directors of Elia System Operator approved the new corporate structure of Elia Group. The decision was taken following the fulfilment of certain preconditions, which included regulatory approval and confirmation of the compliance with the Belgian Electricity Law. As a result, an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting will be convened on 8 November 2019. -
10 September 2019
King Philippe visits first ‘power hub’ in the North Sea
His Majesty the King of the Belgians today visited the Modular Offshore Grid (MOG), Elia's first power hub in the North Sea. -
06 September 2019
Special memorial ceremony for the 22 workers shot dead at the power plant in Merksem during the Second World War
Seventy-five years ago, 22 workers at the power plant in Merksem were shot dead by German soldiers. During today's annual memorial ceremony attended by Elia staff, Merksem residents and the district authorities at the Elia site where the tragedy occurred, a special memorial plaque was unveiled at the war monument, bearing a poem written specially for the occasion by former Antwerp city poet Maarten Inghels.
26 July 2019
Half-year results: Strengthening and expanding the grid while delivering a solid financial performance.
Normalised Net profit up 8.2% to €154.4 million as a result of the timely realisation of investments and solid operational performance. -
09 July 2019
Successful Go-live of Multiple NEMO Arrangements (MNA) in Central West Europe (CWE)
CWE Project Parties are pleased to inform, that the Go-live of Multiple NEMO Arrangements (MNA) in CWE bidding zones on 2 July 2019 (delivery day 3 July 2019) was successfully launched. -
08 July 2019
Nemo Link and Elia Launches Explicit Intraday Product Consultation
Nemo Link Ltd (NLL) and Elia are consulting on an amendment to the Access Rules for the Nemo Link Interconnector to support the introduction of an intraday explicit product. -
05 July 2019
Sale of Walloon green certificates - auction organized by Solar Chest
In order to spread the tariff impact of the public service obligation that weighs in on Elia because of the obligation to buy green certificates at a guaranteed minimum price, the Walloon regulation put in place a reservation mechanism in 2015 for a portion of the excess certificates. -
28 June 2019
Adequacy and flexibility study for Belgium 2020-2030
Elia envisages increasing capacity shortage to cope with the nuclear exit in Belgium; new report indicates the urgency of the situation and the need for a systematic safety net to maintain security of supply. -
26 June 2019
Stefan Kapferer becomes CEO of 50Hertz
As joint shareholders of 50Hertz, Elia and German investment bank KfW are pleased to announce the appointment of Stefan Kapferer as the new CEO of the German system operator.
24 June 2019
IO.Energy: Sixty organisations to launch eight projects to help shape the energy landscape of the future
In recent months, 60 companies, government agencies and universities have been developing new ideas and theories designed to really put consumers at the very heart of the energy landscape of the future. -
21 June 2019
Go-live of Multiple NEMO Arrangements in CWE
CWE TSOs and NEMOs announced a Go-live of Multiple NEMO Arrangements (in CWE) on 2nd of July 2019. -
21 June 2019
Okto Acoustics wins the third edition of the Open Innovation Challenge
The start-up OKTO Acoustics has won the third edition of the Elia Group Open Innovation Challenge of Elia and 50Hertz. -
19 June 2019
Disclosure in accordance with article 15 of the Belgian Act of 2 May 2007
As a result of its EUR 434.8 million rights offering, Elia System Operator NV/SA issued 7,628,104 new shares, as recorded in a notarial deed dated 18 June 2019. -
18 June 2019
Formal public consultation on the Rules on the organization of Transfer of Energy
Elia launches this Tuesday, June 18, 2019 a formal public consultation of the market players on the Rules on the organization of Transfer of Energy.
17 June 2019
Public consultation regarding a study on Transfer of Energy in DA and ID markets
Elia is launching today, June 17th 2019 a formal public consultation of the market players regarding a study on the Transfer of Energy (ToE) in Day-ahead (DA) and Intraday (ID) markets. -
14 June 2019
Elia announces successful rights offering - Existing shareholders and new investors have fully subscribed to the rights offering following a successful private placement of the scrips
Elia System Operator SA announces that, after the public offering of new shares to existing shareholders and any holders of an extra-legal preferential right and the successful private placement of scrips, 100% of the new shares offered in the rights offering have been subscribed. -
14 June 2019
92.17% of the new shares subscribed at closing of the subscription period for preferential rights
Elia System Operator SA announces today that 7,030,981 New Shares or 92.17% of the 7,628,104 new shares it offered as part of its rights offering of maximum EUR 435 million, were subscribed at a subscription price of 57 EUR per share, on the basis of 1 new shares for 8 preferential rights. -
12 June 2019
XBID 1st anniversary
XBID, the Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) solution, is one year old today! -
10 June 2019
Public Consultation Core long-term capacity calculation methodology in accordance with FCA Article 10
Elia and Core TSOs are organizing a public consultation (on entso-e website, from 10/06 to 10/07/2019) on the proposal for the long-term capacity calculation methodology pursuant to Article 10 of FCA Regulation. -
10 June 2019
Public Consultation Core Splitting Rules in accordance with FCA Article 16
Elia and Core TSOs are organizing a public consultation (on entso-e website, from 10/6 to 10/7/2019) on the proposal for the methodology for splitting cross-zonal capacity pursuant to Article 16 of FCA Regulation (Core Splitting Rules). -
07 June 2019
Public consultation on methodology for DGO allocation estimation on real-time
In 2017, Elia conducted a study about the near real time calculation of individual BRP imbalance volume. This study was part of the discretionary objectives set for 2017. In the framework of this study Elia developed an offline proof of concept (PoC). -
05 June 2019
Elia System Operator launches a rights offering (with non-statutory preferential subscription rights) of maximum 7,628,104 new shares, for an amount of maximum 434,801,928 EUR
Elia System Operator announces today the launch of a public offering to existing shareholders and any holders of an extra-legal preferential right of 434,801,928 euros maximum, through the issuance of up to 7,628,104 new shares at a subscription price of 57 EUR per share, on the basis of 1 new share for 8 preferential rights. -
04 June 2019
Elia organises auction for Walloon green certificates in June 2019
As the local transmission system operator and in accordance with the Article 14 §2 of the Royal Decree on the Establishment of Mechanisms for the Promotion of Electricity Generated from Renewable Energy Resources of 16 July 2002, Elia will organise an auction for 4.595 green certificates in June 2019. Elia purchased these certificates at the minimum price guaranteed in the Walloon region. -
04 June 2019
Elia organises auction for flemish green certificates and cogeneration certificates in June 2019
As the local transmission system operator and in accordance with Articles 7.1.6(2) and 7.1.7(2) of the Energy Decree of 8 May 2009 on energy policy, Elia will organize an auction for 240.484 green certificates and 338.012 cogeneration certificates in February 2019.Elia purchased these certificates at the minimum price guaranteed in the Flemish region. -
21 May 2019
Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2018 financial results, the dividend pay-out and authorised capital
Today, Elia held its Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders. Shareholders approved all items on the agenda. -
17 May 2019
Interim Statement: Q1 2019
On Friday 17 May, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q1 2019. -
17 May 2019
Tallest electricity pylons in the Benelux open for viewing on Open Site Day
Belgium's system operator Elia is taking part in Open Site Day on Sunday. The general public will be able to learn about the Brabo project in the Port of Antwerp, where the tallest electricity pylons in the Benelux are currently being built. -
16 May 2019
First plug at sea successfully installed
Today, Federal Minister Philippe De Backer and Minister Marie Christine Marghem visited the Modular Offshore Grid (MOG), the switchyard platform in the North Sea that will soon bundle together cables from offshore wind farms and connect them to the mainland. -
10 May 2019
Public Consultation contingency long term allocation and nomination rules for the BE-GB border to apply if GB leaves the internal energy market
Elia and Nemo Link Ltd launch a public consultation on a proposal for contingency long term allocation and nomination rules that would apply on the GB-Belgium border in the case that Great Britain leaves the European Internal Energy Market following Brexit. -
30 April 2019
Elia's Federal Development Plan 2020-2030 approved
Elia's Federal Development Plan 2020-2030 has been approved by Federal Energy Minister Marie Christine Marghem. -
30 April 2019
Elia appointed Belgian system operator until 2042
The draft ministerial decree renewing the appointment of Elia System Operator SA/NV as the operator of Belgium's electricity grid was passed on Friday 26 April. -
26 April 2019
Public consultation on the methodology, hypotheses and data sources for the dimensioning of the volumes of strategic reserve needed for winter 2020-2021
Elia launches today, on 26th April 2019, the public consultation on the methodology, hypotheses and data sources for determining the volume of strategic reserves for the winter 2020-21. -
23 April 2019
Public consultation for the submission of a proposed general derogation from Regulation (EU) 2016/631 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators ("RfG")
In line with what was announced during the consultation on the maximum capacity thresholds for type B, C and D power-generating modules (PGMs), Elia wishes to announce the public consultation of a request for a derogation from the requirements applicable to PGMs with a maximum installed capacity of 25 MW and a connection point voltage greater than or equal to 110 kV. -
08 April 2019
Elia contemplates to update organisation
Elia contemplates to implement an internal reorganization project aiming at isolating and ring-fencing the Belgian regulated activities of Elia from its non-regulated activities. -
01 April 2019
Ventilus to prepare power grid for more sustainable energy
BRUSSELS – BRUGES | The Flemish government and the Belgian system operator have jointly proposed plans for ‘Ventilus’, a new high-voltage project in West Flanders. -
29 March 2019
Update on the interconnector between Elia and Creos "ICBedelux"
The phase shifter transformer (PST) located in Schifflange connecting the grid of Elia and Creos was put in operation 11 October 2017 with a one year technical trial period. -
26 March 2019
Disclosure in accordance with section 15 of the Belgian Act of 2 May 2007
Because of the implementation of the capital increase in favor of the members of the personnel of Elia System Operator NV/SA and its Belgian subsidiaries, as recorded in a notarial deed dated 22 March 2019, Elia System Operator NV/SA has issued 9.776 new shares. -
26 March 2019
Elia reports a new round of copper theft in the province of Luxembourg
Last days, over two kilometres of cable was stolen from a high-voltage (70 kV) power line on the Elia grid. -
19 March 2019
Update on practicalities concerning Nemo Link in case of “no deal Brexit”
On Friday March 15th, Ofgem and CREG (British and Belgian National Regulatory Authorities) approved the Nemo Link Non-IEM access rules. These rules will come into force in case of “no-deal” Brexit, meaning that GB will have to leave the Internal Energy Market (IEM) and that the implicit day ahead market coupling will be replaced by explicit day ahead auctions, run by the Joint Allocation Office. -
15 March 2019
Public Consultation: Channel Splitting Rules in accordance with FCA Article 16
Elia and Channel TSOs are organizing a public consultation (on entso-e website, from 15/3 to 15/4/2019) on the proposal for the methodology for splitting cross-zonal capacity pursuant to Article 16 of FCA Regulation (Channel Splitting Rules). -
25 February 2019
Public consultation : Public consultation on Amended Channel Long Term Nomination Rules for Physical Transmission Rights.
Several new interconnectors are foreseen on the bidding zone border between Great Britain and France. -
22 February 2019
Elia Group full year 2018 results
Strengthening our position in 50Hertz while progressing well in key investments -
21 February 2019
IO.Energy: a cross-sectoral ecosystem aimed at optimising end users’ comfort and energy bills
The Belgian system operators Elia, Fluvius, ORES, Sibelga and Resa have today launched IO.Energy, a unique and innovative Belgian project that will help to develop new services by exchanging data between all energy market players. -
19 February 2019
Elia and 50Hertz call for start-ups to compete for their third Open Innovation Challenge
With the third Open Innovation Challenge, Elia Group calls for ideas from start-ups across the world to improve the day-to-day operations of its two electricity transmission companies: Elia in Belgium and 50Hertz in Germany. -
13 February 2019
Public consultation : Key elements of foreseen evolutions included in the tariff proposal 2020-2023
Today, 13 February 2019, Elia launches a formal public consultation on the Elia proposal with regard to the key elements of foreseen evolutions included in the tariff proposal for the period 2020-2023. -
11 February 2019
Elia organises auction for flemish green certificates and cogeneration certificates in february 2019
As the local transmission system operator in Flanders and in accordance with Articles 7.1.6(2) and 7.1.7(2) of the Energy Decree of 8 May 2009 on energy policy, Elia will organize an auction for green certificates and cogeneration certificates in February 2019. -
06 February 2019
Elia named ‘Top Employer’ for the second consecutive year
For the second year in succession, Elia can count itself among the best employers in the country. The Top Employer label is awarded in more than 115 countries to companies that make providing an excellent working environment a top priority. -
06 February 2019
Elia supports the citizens' initiative Sign for my future
Yesterday marked the launch of Sign for my future. The aim of this citizens' initiative is to call on all Belgians to speak out in favour of a strong climate policy. Chris Peeters, CEO of Elia Group, is one of the campaign's 100 ambassadors. After all, the energy sector is making an important contribution towards society's decarbonisation. -
31 January 2019
The interconnection between Belgium and Great Britain is operational
After a 10-year development and construction phase, today marks the start of the Nemo Link's commercial exploitation. The interconnection is a collaborative effort organised by the Belgian and British transmission system operators, Elia and National Grid. -
30 January 2019
Indicative planning for auctions of Flemish green certificates and cogeneration certificates in 2019
As the local transmission system operator in Flanders and in accordance with Articles 7.1.6(2) and 7.1.7(2) of the Energy Decree of 8 May 2009 on energy policy, Elia will organize auctions for green certificates and cogeneration certificates in 2019. -
21 January 2019
Public consultation on the data used for the study regarding the adequacy and flexibility needs of the Belgian power system
Elia launches a public consultation on the input data that will be used for the study regarding the adequacy and flexibility needs of the Belgian power system. -
18 January 2019
Elia releases its figures on Belgium's 2018 energy mix
Every year, Elia, Belgium's electricity transmission system operator, collects the available information on the country's energy mix based on the units connected to its grid. -
18 January 2019
Disclosure in accordance with section 15 of the Belgian Act of 2 May 2007
As a result of the implementation of the capital increase in favour of the members of the personnel of Elia System Operator NV/SA and its Belgian subsidiaries, as recorded in a notarial deed dated 20 December 2018, Elia System Operator NV/SA has issued 114.039 new shares. -
15 January 2019
Nemo Link announces go-live date
The capacity on the Nemo Link interconnector will be available to purchase via the implicit day ahead auction from 30th January 2019, for delivery on 31st January 2019. -
11 January 2019
2020-2023 tariff methodology: Elia takes note of the Markets Court ruling
Electricity transmission system operator Elia had lodged an appeal against the provision of the CREG’s tariff methodology 2020-2023, regarding the impact on regulated tariffs of loans contracted to finance non-regulated activities. -
10 January 2019
Elia publishes election memorandum
Belgium's grid operator Elia is publishing its election memorandum with an eye to the Belgian federal election in May 2019. -
08 January 2019
Elia successfully completes €500 million bond offering
Elia System Operator NV/SA (“Elia”), the Belgian transmission system operator, has successfully launched a €500 million Eurobond under its €5 billion EMTN programme. -
17 December 2018
Public Consultation: Procedure for Constitution of Strategic Reserve for winter 2019-2020
In anticipation of an instruction by the Minister to constitute a given volume of Strategic Reserve in accordance with article 7 quater of the Electricity Law, Elia launches a public consultation on the "Procedure for Constitution of Strategic Reserve" for an entry into force at the latest on February 15th, 2019. -
05 December 2018
Elia and national Grid inaugurate Nemo Link and connect Belgium with the United Kingdom
Elia and National Grid inaugurated the first submarine electricity interconnector between Belgium and the United Kingdom on Wednesday, 5 December. -
30 November 2018
Interim Statement: Q3 2018
Elia successfully completes long-term financing for the acquisition of an additional 20% stake in Eurogrid. -
29 November 2018
Adequacy study for Belgium: the need for strategic reserve for winter 2019-20
Today Elia has published its probabilistic analysis of Belgium’s adequacy for the winter 2019-20. This analysis is an important element for the Federal Minister for Energy to take into account when deciding on the required volume of strategic reserve. -
27 November 2018
State Secretary Philippe De Backer visits Belgium's first ’plug at sea’
State Secretary for the North Sea Philippe De Backer visited the construction site of the Modular Offshore Grid (MOG), the switchyard platform that, as of 2019, will bundle together cables from offshore wind farms and connect them to the mainland. -
23 November 2018
Elia Group publishes vision paper showing prosumers the way to better service and optimised energy bills
"Towards a Consumer-Centric System" suggests end users should receive price signals in real time. Elia is encouraging market parties to sign up for its sandbox, where they can test out concepts (deadline: 12 January 2019). -
16 November 2018
Consultation on contingency day-ahead allocation and nomination rules for the Be-GB border to apply if GB leaves the Internal Energy Market
Elia and Nemo Link Ltd launch a public consultation on a proposal for contingency day-ahead allocation and nomination rules that would apply on the GB-Belgium border in the case that Great Britain leaves the European Internal Energy Market following Brexit. -
14 November 2018
Winter 2018-2019: New Product
The recent unavailability of several nuclear power stations impacts the security of supply in the Belgian Control Area this winter. -
09 November 2018
Public consultation on implementation plan for a new aFRR design, a separated procurement of FCR and aFRR products and the evolution towards daily procurement of mFRR
Elia is launching today a consultation on the proposition of the implementation plan for the new aFRR design, for the separated procurement of FCR and aFRR products and for the evolution towards daily procurement of mFRR. -
29 October 2018
Load out of the MOG jacket onto the barge in Vlissingen
On October 24, the jacket foundation of the offshore platform was successfully loaded onto the barge in Vlissingen. -
25 October 2018
Elia organises auction for flemish green certificates and cogeneration certificates in november 2018
As the local transmission system operator in Flanders and in accordance with Articles 7.1.6(2) and 7.1.7(2) of the Energy Decree of 8 May 2009 on energy policy, Elia will organize an auction for green certificates and cogeneration certificates in November 2018. -
15 October 2018
Public consultation relating to modifications of the Balancing Rules
Elia is launching today a formal public consultation of the market players concerning modifications on the Balancing rules. -
15 October 2018
Elia launches the public consultation for its 2020-2030 Federal Development Plan
The public consultation for the 2020-2030 Federal Development Plan begins today, Monday 15 October 2018, and will run for two months. -
11 October 2018
Federal Development Plan for the Belgian transmission system (110kV to 380kV) over the period 2020-2030
Elia is organising a public consultation on its draft Federal Development Plan 2020-2030 and the accompanying environmental impact report. The draft plan estimates electricity transmission capacity requirements and sets out an investment plan that the system operator intends to implement to meet those requirements over the next 10 years. -
09 October 2018
Public consultation on "Proposal for the exemption from the obligation to procure upward and downward balancing capacity for aFRR separately"
Elia would like to invite you to participate in the formal public consultation regarding the “Proposal for the exemption from the obligation to procure upward and downward balancing capacity for aFRR separately”. -
08 October 2018
Public consultation on the review of the black start ancillary service
Elia launches a consultation on the black start ancillary service, including a review of the determination of needs and a proposal for a new service design. -
08 October 2018
Public consultation in the framework of the network code Emergency and Restoration (NC ER)
Elia starts today the public consultation of the documents related to the network code Emergency and Restoration that establish the terms and conditions for providers of restoration services as well as the rules for suspension and restoration of market activities and specific rules for imbalance settlement and settlement of balancing energy. -
02 October 2018
Winter outlook 2018-2019: Favourable developments for November, but additional efforts required for January and February
The need for additional capacity to maintain security of supply throughout the winter is down from 1,600-1,700 MW to 700-900 MW. -
27 September 2018
Elia needs 1,600 to 1,700 MW of additional capacity to ensure security of supply this winter
With just a few weeks to go before winter starts, Belgium is facing the unexpected unavailability of multiple nuclear power stations, a situation that is severely testing the balance between generation and consumption. -
13 September 2018
Elia would like to invite you to participate in the formal public consultations organized by ENTSOE regarding the following:
Elia would like to invite you to participate in the formal public consultations organized by ENTSOE regarding the following: -
06 September 2018
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution trades exceed 2.5 million since go-live. Solution is stable and therefore roll back systems are no longer available
Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) announce that the number of trades in the European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and of 10 associated Local Implementation Projects (including the French-Belgium and Dutch Belgian bidding zone borders) since go-live in mid-June 2018 has exceeded 2.5 million. -
05 September 2018
Public consultation on the common methodology for coordinated redispatching and countertrading in the Core Capacity Calculation Region
Elia and the other TSOs of the CORE Region launch a public consultation via ENTSO-E on a proposal for the common methodology for coordinated redispatching and countertrading in the CORE region, in accordance with article 35(1) of the CACM Regulation. -
03 September 2018
Public consultation on the new aFRR design
Elia launches a consultation on the future design of the aFRR (automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve) product. -
28 August 2018
Elia successfully completes long term financing for the acquisition of an additional 20% stake of Eurogrid
Today, Elia System Operator SA/NV ('Elia') successfully launched a EUR 300 million 10-year senior bond and EUR 700 million perpetual hybrid to refinance a bridge loan for the acquisition of an additional 20% stake in Eurogrid International SCRL (‘Eurogrid’). -
27 August 2018
Public consultation on the input data for the dimensioning of the volumes for the strategic reserve for the winter 2019-2020
Elia launches today the consultation on the input data used to determine the volume for the strategic reserve for the winter 2019-2020. -
23 August 2018
Elia, SettleMint and Actility launch one of Europe's first blockchain pilot projects in the energy sector
Elia is launching a pilot project to analyse possible applications of blockchain technology in the energy sector. -
22 August 2018
Elia welcomes German Bank KfW as shareholder in transmission system operator 50Hertz
Elia System Operator SA/NV (‘Elia’) announces the closing of the transactions with IFM Global Infrastructure Fund (‘IFM’) and the German state-owned bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (‘KfW’) regarding a 20% stake in Eurogrid International (‘Eurogrid’). -
20 August 2018
Elia organises an auction for walloon green certificates in september 2018
As the local transmission system operator in Wallonia and in accordance with the Article 14 §2 of the Royal Decree on the Establishment of Mechanisms for the Promotion of Electricity Generated from Renewable Energy Resources of 16 July 2002, Elia will organise an auction for green certificates in September 2018. -
20 August 2018
Elia organises auction for flemish green certificates and cogeneration certificates in september 2018
As the local transmission system operator in Flanders and in accordance with Articles 7.1.6(2) and 7.1.7(2) of the Energy Decree of 8 May 2009 on energy policy, Elia will organize an auction for green certificates and cogeneration certificates in September 2018. -
16 August 2018
Formal public consultation regarding the access responsible party (the ARP contract)
Today, August 16th 2018, Elia launches the formal public consultation regarding the access responsible party (the ARP contract). Elia invites the concerned market parties to react and submit their comments on this proposal. The changes proposed to the ARP contract are required in order to take into account the extension of the field of application of transfer of energy towards the market segment of reserved tertiary control (end of 2018) and SDR (winter period 2019-2020). -
27 July 2018
Half Year Results 2018 Elia Group: Consolidating our position in 50Hertz while delivering solid operational performance
Grid investments of €234 million in Belgium and €104 million in Germany to ensure reliable supply of electricity and accommodate growing renewable energy flows. -
27 July 2018
Elia to partner with Bank KfW as shareholder in German transmission system operator 50Hertz
Elia exercises its pre-emption right on the remaining 20% stake in Eurogrid held by IFM and will immediately sell the stake at the same price to German state-owned bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).
The transaction between Elia and KfW fosters Belgian-German cooperation regarding critical grid infrastructure. -
20 July 2018
Public consultation regarding the proposal for Compensation Rules between Elia and Nemo Link Ltd
Today, July 20th 2018, Elia launches a public consultation regarding the joint proposal of Elia and Nemo Link Ltd for the compensation mechanism to be applied in case of a reduction of commercial capacity of the Nemo Link Interconnector by Elia. These Compensation Rules between Elia and Nemo Link Ltd were developed in line with principles agreed with CREG in the context of the cap & floor tariff methodology applicable to Nemo Link Ltd. -
16 July 2018
Announcement of public consultation on the proposal of all TSOs to further specify and harmonize imbalance settlement
Pursuant the implementation of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 18 December 2017 establishing a "guideline on electricity balancing" (EB GL), Elia would like to announce the stakeholder consultation on the proposal of all TSOs to further specify and harmonize imbalance settlement according to article 52.2 of EB GL. -
10 July 2018
Formal consultation on LFC block operational agreement
Elia launches its public consultation on its draft proposal for the LFC block operational agreement. This document determines the dimensioning rules for “frequency restoration reserves” or ‘FRR’ (referred to as the secondary and tertiary reserves) and fulfill the obligations of load-frequency control. This concerns the process of restoring the power balance of ELIA’s control zone to its scheduled value, and resolve the residual imbalance between injections and off-take. The LFC block operational agreement is compliant with EU Regulation 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation. The public consultation is open from July 10 until and including August 21, 2018 and can be found on the Elia website. -
29 June 2018
Copper thefts : Elia steps up surveillance of overhead lines and calls on local residents to be vigilant
In recent weeks there has been a wave of copper thefts from Elia's high-voltage grid. Each time the earth wire was cut down and stolen. The thefts occurred in the Belgian provinces of Luxembourg and Flemish Brabant. Elia is stepping up its surveillance of the grid and calling on local residents to inform the police about any abnormal activity near high-voltage lines. The thefts were noticed in the course of scheduled inspections carried out by Elia ground and helicopter patrol teams. -
28 June 2018
Formal consultation regarding the rules on the organization of Transfer of Energy
Elia starts today, Tuesday 28/06/2018, a formal public consultation of the market players on the rules for the organization transfer of energy (hereinafter "Transfer of Energy rules"). -
27 June 2018
Archaeological finds along Nemo Link cable route presented
Amid great media interest, Governor of West Flanders Carl Decaluwé presented the archaeological artefacts found last year along the cable route of Nemo Link, Elia’s future interconnector with the UK. -
22 June 2018
PowerMarket wins the second edition of the Open Innovation Challenge
The start-up PowerMarket has won the second edition of the Open Innovation Challenge organised by the Elia Group. -
14 June 2018
Successful launch of the European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and the go-live of 10 associated Local Implementation Projects
NEMOs and TSOs would like to inform market parties that the launch for implementation of the European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and the Go-Live of 10 associated Local Implementation Projects (including the Belgian-French and Belgian-Dutch bidding zone borders), was successful. -
12 June 2018
Closing event of Elia Group's Open Innovation Challenge
On Thursday 21 June, Elia Group will announce the winner of the Open Innovation Challenge that set out to find innovative solutions for improving forecasts of power generation and consumption. Come along, meet the five finalists and learn about their innovative ideas! -
07 June 2018
INFORMATION XBID Launch and its impact on the Belgian bidding zone borders
At the Go-Live of the European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects, the 12th of June 2018, for first deliveries on the 13th of June 2018, Elia and RTE will offer cross-zonal capacities for the Belgian – French bidding zone border and Elia and TenneT BV will offer cross-zonal capacities for the Belgian – Dutch bidding zone border through the XBID intraday trading platform. -
06 June 2018
Notification of market participants of termination of participation agreement and IFB 4.0 rules - applicable for intraday market in case of activation of fallback solution
The French and Belgian Transmission System Operators (TSOs), RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité (RTE) and Elia System Operator (ELIA) would like to notify all entities that have signed a IFB Participation Agreement that -
31 May 2018
Important communication towards Belgian market participants
Dear Partners/Market Participants,
ENTSO-E is involved in discussions with ACER about the data quality of REMIT reporting. Part of it relates to the possibility of identification of market participants whose transactions are reported to ACER. -
29 May 2018
Approval of the Transfer of Energy rules for the market of non-reserved tertiary control power (Bidladder) with a go-live date June 1st 2018
Elia announces that the Transfer of Energy rules have been approved by the CREG (Decision B (1747) 24/05/2018), after concertation with the competent regional authorities. -
28 May 2018
Elia receives notification from IFM that it intends to sell remaining 20% in Eurogrid, the holding company above German transmission system operator 50Hertz
The Belgian transmission system operator (TSO) Elia System Operator SA/NV (‘Elia’) has received a notification from IFM Global Infrastructure Fund (‘IFM’) that it intends to sell its remaining 20% share in Eurogrid International (‘Eurogrid’), the holding company of the German TSO 50Hertz Transmission GmbH (‘50Hertz’). -
25 May 2018
Public consultation on border specific requirements to the Harmonised Allocation Rules and on the day-ahead nomination rules for the Belgium – Great-Britain bidding zone border
Elia and Nemo Link Ltd launch a public consultation on a proposal for border specific requirements to the Harmonised Allocation Rules for the GB-Belgium border and on a proposal for Day-ahead Nomination Rules that will apply on the GB-Belgium border in case of day-ahead fallback allocation via explicit auctions (in case of failure of the day-ahead market coupling). -
24 May 2018
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects announce a revised go-live date for June 2018
NEMOs and TSOs would like to inform market parties that the target launch date for implementation of the European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and the Go-Live of 10 associated Local Implementation Projects, has been confirmed for 12th June 2018 with first deliveries on 13th June 2018. -
23 May 2018
Formal public consultation regarding a study on the evolution towards a daily procurement of mFRR
Elia would like to invite you to participate in the formal public consultation regarding this study. Elia would like to ask the stakeholders their comments on the study. -
17 May 2018
Tariff Methodology 2020-2023 Elia System Operator
Elia and the CREG were in consultation on the new tariff methodology for the period 2020-2023. Regulator CREG will now organise a public consultation on the draft decision with 29 May as the closing date. -
16 May 2018
Interim Statement: Q1 2018
On Wednesday 16 May, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q1 2018. -
15 May 2018
Public consultation on the proposal of the implementation framework for a European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with manual activation (“mFRR”)
Pursuant the implementation of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 18 December 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (EB GL), Elia would like to announce the stakeholder consultation on the proposal of the implementation framework for a European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with manual activation (“mFRR”). -
08 May 2018
Formal consultation regarding the draft proposal for the contract of the access responsible party
Today, May 8th 2018, Elia launches the formal public consultation regarding the access responsible party (the ARP contract), which provides the market parties affected by these proposals the opportunity to react and submit their comments on this proposal. -
26 April 2018
Announcement of public consultation on the proposal of the implementation framework for a European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation (“aFRR”)
Pursuant the implementation of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 18 December 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (EB GL), Elia would like to announce the stakeholder consultation on the proposal of the implementation framework for a European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation (“aFRR”). -
26 April 2018
Elia completes the acquisition of an additional 20% in 50Hertz
Elia System Operator SA/NV (‘Elia’), the Belgian transmission system operator (TSO), announced today that it has completed the acquisition of an additional 20% stake in Eurogrid International SCRL (‘Eurogrid’), the holding company of the German TSO 50Hertz Transmission GmbH (‘50Hertz’). -
25 April 2018
Elia organized its second ARP-Day
On 17/04/2018 Elia organized its second ARP-Day at the Square Meeting Center in Brussels. -
25 April 2018
Peter Michiels is Belgian HR Manager 2018
Peter Michiels, responsible for Human Resources and internal communication at Elia, has been elected HR Manager of the year 2018. -
24 April 2018
Open Site Day: Elia opens doors of Nemo Link conversion station in Bruges
On Sunday, 6 May 2018, the Belgian system operator Elia will once again participate in Open Site Day, an initiative of the Belgian Construction Confederation, when special building sites are opened to the public. -
23 April 2018
Public consultation on the methodology, hypotheses and data sources for the dimensioning of the volumes of strategic reserve needed for winter 2019-2020
Elia publishes today the consultation report with the description of the methodology, assumptions and data for determining the volume of strategic reserves for the winter 2019-20. -
20 April 2018
Formal public consultation regarding a study on Separate procurement of FCR and aFRR products
Elia would like to invite you to participate in the formal public consultation regarding a study on “Separate procurement of FCR and aFRR products”. -
06 April 2018
Digital version of Elia Group Annual Report now available
The digital version of the Elia Group Annual Report is now available. The printed version will be published on 15 May 2018, the same day as the Annual General Meeting. -
06 April 2018
ENTSO-E First edition of the bidding zone review published
The participating electricity transmission system operators publish the First Edition of the Bidding Zone Review -
04 April 2018
Announcement of public consultation on the proposal of the TSOs in Continental Europe for the Synchronous Area Operational Agreement on Load Frequency Control-and-Reserves
Pursuant the implementation of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation (SO GL), Elia would like to announce the stakeholder consultation on the Synchronous Area Operational Agreement (SAOA) Policy 1 Load Frequency Control and Reserves. -
26 March 2018
Formal consultation regarding the rules on the organization of Transfer of Energy
Elia starts today, Monday 26 March 2018, a formal public consultation of the market players on the rules for the organization transfer of energy. -
23 March 2018
Elia has decided to acquire an additional 20% stake in German transmission system operator 50Hertz
Elia has decided to exercise its pre-emption right and to increase its share in Eurogrid, the holding company above 50Hertz, from 60% to 80%. -
15 March 2018
Formal public consultation regarding the proposals for a modified federal grid code and general requirements RfG, DCC, HVDC and storage
After two years of intense discussions with stakeholders via different meetings and workshops organised by Elia in the framework of the Users’ Group, Elia has developed the following proposals: -
15 March 2018
Formal consultations regarding the draft proposals for the contract of the balancing responsible party (the BRP contract) and the contracts of the balancing service providers (the BSP contracts)
Today, 15 March 2018, Elia launches the formal public consultations regarding the above-mentioned proposals, which provide the market parties affected by these proposals the opportunity to react and submit their comments on these proposals. -
13 March 2018
ENTSO-E consultation on the Amendments to the “Regional Specific Annex for CCR Core to the Harmonised Allocation Rules for long-term transmission rights” (i.e. EU HAR Annex 1)
Elia and the other TSOs of the CORE region launch a public consultation via ENTSO-E on the Amendments to the “Regional Specific Annex for CCR Core to the Harmonised Allocation Rules for long-term transmission rights” (i.e. EU HAR Annex 1). -
13 March 2018
Elia completes all main construction contracts for Modular Offshore Grid
Elia is pleased to announce that all main construction contracts for the Modular Offshore Grid (MOG) are in place. -
08 March 2018
Deployment of a datahub shared by all system operators to support electrical flexibility
The first shared central datahub for the Belgian grid is up and running. This new IT system – the result of close collaboration between the distribution system operators (Eandis, Infrax, Ores, Resa and Sibelga) and the transmission system operator (Elia) – will encourage market flexibility. -
06 March 2018
Elia tests first drone for long-distance flight
On 6 March 2018, a Delair fixed-wing drone successfully completed a demonstration flight along a 70kV high-voltage line in Sint-Truiden. The unmanned aerial vehicle took off from Droneport, an incubator for drones, and completed a 10 km flight lasting 30 minutes. -
02 March 2018
ENTSO-E organizes a public consultation from 26 February until 6 April 2018 on “All TSOs proposals for the methodologies for coordinating operational security analysis and assessing the relevance of assets for outage coordination”. -
28 February 2018
Elia group kicks off reflection group for European Market Design
Elia and 50Hertz have just signed an inter-TSO agreement together with TenneT, RTE and Swissgrid in order to create a reflection group on a European market model for the future power system. -
23 February 2018
Elia Group annual results 2017
Elia Group strengthens and expands electrical grid while delivering a strong financial performance. -
19 February 2018
ALEGrO project: three projects launched in mid-January 2018
In late 2017, the ALEGrO project – the first electricity interconnector between Belgium and Germany – acquired the permits and authorisations required for work to begin in Belgium. -
15 February 2018
Call for Candidates for strategic reserve
The Ministerial Decree of Minister of Energy Marie-Christine Marghem entered into force on January 15, 2018. This decree instructs Elia to constitute a strategic reserve volume of 500 MW for the winter 2018-2019. -
12 February 2018
Public consultation on first bidding zone review
his consultation concerns a common proposal developed by the transmission system operators of Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia regarding the Review of the existing bidding zone configurations in accordance with Article 32 of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM). -
09 February 2018
Elia organises auction for flemish green certificates and cogeneration certificates in february 2018
As the local transmission system operator in Flanders and in accordance with Articles 7.1.6(2) and 7.1.7(2) of the Energy Decree of 8 May 2009 on energy policy, Elia will organize an auction for green certificates and cogeneration certificates in February 2018. -
08 February 2018
Minister Bart Tommelein visits Elia's national control centre
On Thursday, 8 February, the Flemish Minister of Energy visited Elia's national control centre – the nerve centre of Belgium's power grid – to see the facilities. -
07 February 2018
Elia secures the Top Employer label
Elia has just been awarded the Top Employer 2018 label, identifying it as one of Belgium’s 64 best employers and one of the three best employers in the energy sector. -
31 January 2018
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects announce a revised go-live date for June 2018
NEMOs and TSOs would like to inform market parties that the target launch date for implementation of the European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and the Go-Live of 10 associated Local Implementation Projects, announced for March 2018 has been revised to June 2018. -
31 January 2018
Second regional generation adequacy assessment report published
The seven electricity transmission system operators (TSO's) in the Pentalateral Energy Forum (an inter-governmental initiative designed to promote collaboration on cross-border exchange of electricity in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland) are committed to contribute to the development of new methodologies and to investigate the security of the electricity supply – the serving of the electricity demand of all customers - on the regional level. -
31 January 2018
Elia launches 2nd Open Innovation Challenge for start-ups to improve forecasting of electricity production and consumption
Elia’s 2nd Open innovation challenge calls for ideas from cross sector start-ups across the world to improve its forecasting. -
24 January 2018
Rabosée-Battice project: planning permission granted and work begun at Herve
On 20 October 2017, Elia was granted planning permission to build a new underground electricity connection linking the substations at Rabosée and Battice. -
19 January 2018
Public consultation on amendment to the fallback procedures for capacity allocation in the Channel CCR
Elia and the other TSOs of the Channel Region launch a public consultation via ENTSO-E on a proposal for amendment to the fallback procedures for capacity allocation for the Channel Region in the event that the single day-ahead coupling process is unable to produce results, in accordance with Article 44 of the CACM Regulation. -
16 January 2018
Elia starts work on a new high-voltage line spanning the River Scheldt in the Port of Antwerp
Last week, preparatory work on the new high-voltage line spanning the River Scheldt in the Port of Antwerp began. -
15 January 2018
Public consultation on draft proposal of FCR cooperation market design
Elia is procuring part of its Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR) via regional auctions that are held by the FCR Cooperation. -
15 January 2018
Public consultation on all TSOs’ proposal for the implementation framework for a European platform for the imbalance netting process
In accordance with Article 22 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (GLEB), the responsible TSO’s organise a public consultation for the implementation framework for a European platform for the imbalance netting process. -
08 January 2018
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects to go-live in March 2018
NEMOs and TSOs announce target launch date in March 2018 for implementation of the European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and the Go-Live of 10 associated Local Implementation Projects. -
05 January 2018
ALEGrO project: Permits acquired and construction phase to begin in mid-January 2018
The ALEGrO project, the first electricity interconnector between Belgium and Germany, can now begin after acquiring the necessary permits and authorisations.
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