23 November 2018
Elia Group publishes vision paper showing prosumers the way to better service and optimised energy bills
"Towards a Consumer-Centric System" suggests end users should receive price signals in real time. Elia is encouraging market parties to sign up for its sandbox, where they can test out concepts (deadline: 12 January 2019).
- Towards a Consumer-Centric System suggests end users should fully use their flexibility in real time.
- A consumer-centric energy system is a win-win for all market parties and creates added value for society:
- End users (households and industries) can enjoy advanced energy services and optimised bills by maximally exploiting the flexibility of their technological investments.
- System operators (transmission and distribution) can use the flexible capacity to optimise system operation (ensuring balance between supply and demand, eliminating congestion, etc.).
- Commercial market parties can establish new business models by offering energy services that can also be marketed internationally.
- Elia is encouraging market parties to sign up for its sandbox, where they can test out concepts (deadline: 12 January 2019).

Elia Group publishes vision paper showing prosumers the way to better service and optimised energy bills
Le groupe Elia publie sa vision qui offre aux prosumers la possibilité d’obtenir un meilleur service et une facture d'énergie optimisée (in French)
Elia groep publiceert visienota die prosumenten zicht geeft op een betere service en een optimale energiefactuur (in Dutch)
Elia vision paper 2018