Access invoice: the second invoice
For each month, access holders receive a basic invoice followed by a second invoice. How are these invoices organised and what do they cover?
What are the invoices for?
Grid access invoices cover the tariffs for the operation of the electricity system, the operation and development of the grid infrastructure, the offsetting of imbalances (particularly through the power reserves and black start) and market integration.
Customer hub
Access holders can view their invoices with the Customer Hub application. The section on invoicing includes the invoice itself (in PDF format) plus its appendices, allowing ARPs to check their invoices.
The second invoice
A final statement is sent out in the middle of month M+1 for the services provided in month M. The second invoice takes into consideration the amounts already invoiced in the basic invoice for the month covered by this second invoice.
Sample invoice

Invoice legend
Your reference numberThis is the customer’s order number.
Our reference number (contract reference number)
This is the reference number of the access contract signed with Elia.
The access holder concludes an access contract with Elia for one or more access points.
The appendix to the basic invoice lists the following information for each access point included in the access contract: the EAN code, the voltage level (which determines the customer’s tariff category) and the region in which the access point is located. -
Elia’s internal reference numberThis is the internal reference number used by Elia. It is different from the contract reference number.
Grid infrastructure operation and development
This category consists of three tariffs: the tariff for the monthly peak, the tariff for the yearly peak and the tariff for the power made available. The prepayment for services for month M is equivalent to 90% of the amount invoiced for the services in month M−2 for the relevant access points. The balance is settled by the second invoice. The appendix to the invoice provides details, for each access point covered by the access contract, of how the amounts of the three tariffs for these service are calculated.
Grid infrastructure operation and development services are invoiced on the basis of the power for each of the access holder's access points, as this determines the dimensioning of the grid Elia will have to provide. Power is fixed in terms of net offtake and net injection. The injected power is the difference between the power injected by the generation unit(s) associated with an access point and the power taken off by the load(s) at that access point. If the difference is a negative number, the injected power will be zero. The offtake power is the difference between the power taken off by the load(s) associated with an access point and the power injected by the local generation unit(s) at that access point. If the difference is a negative number, then the offtake power will be zero.
For more details about grid access tariffs, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs’ and the current tariffs. -
Monthly peakThe amount invoiced is a prepayment for services for month M and is equivalent to 90% of the amount invoiced for month M−2 for the relevant access points. The appendix to the basic invoice provides details, for each access point covered by the access contract, of how the amount of this tariff is calculated.
The monthly peak for offtake is determined, each month, as the maximum peak of power taken off across all the quarter-hours of the month in question. For grid users directly connected to the Elia grid, the tariff for the monthly peak for offtake applies to the 11th peak measured in the month. Elia makes quarter-hourly values available to access holders, enabling them to check their invoices and adjust their consumption profiles accordingly.
For more details about grid access tariffs, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs’ and the current tariffs. -
Yearly peakThe amount invoiced is a prepayment for services for month M and is equivalent to 90% of the amount invoiced for month M−2 for the relevant access points. The appendix to the basic invoice provides details, for each access point covered by the access contract, of how the amount for this tariff is calculated.
The yearly peak for offtake is determined ex-post as the maximum peak occurring across all the quarter-hours making up the yearly peak tariff period in the past 12 months, i.e. the current invoicing month and the previous 11 months. The yearly peak tariff period is the period when the total load on the grid is statistically at its highest. Elia makes quarter-hourly values available to access holders, enabling them to check their invoices and adjust their consumption profiles accordingly.
For more about the tariff for the yearly peak, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs’ and the current tariffs -
Infrastructure level
The right to exchange power and energy with the Elia grid is conferred, via the access contract, at access-point level. The Elia grid access tariffs are based on three Contractual Infrastructure Levels (CILs), depending on the voltage at the relevant access point:
- CIL 1: access to the 380 kV, 220 kV or 150 kV grid;
- CIL 2: access to the 70 kV, 36 kV or 30 kV grid;
- CIL 3: access to medium-voltage (less than 30 kV) at the transformer output.
When a grid user has several access points to the Elia grid for the same electrical facilities, one of these may be referred to as the main access point, whereas the others may be called additional access points. The main access point is the one with the most ‘power made available’ (in terms of offtake). The invoice is calculated for each point on the basis of its classification ('main' or 'additional').
For more about the concept of infrastructure level, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs’. -
Power made availableThe amount invoiced is a prepayment for services for month M and is equivalent to 100% of the amount invoiced for the power made available at the relevant access points in month M−2.
Grid users have the right to take off and/or inject apparent power from and/or into the grid upstream, in proportion to the apparent power that is made available to them (or in other words, ‘reserved’ for them). The apparent power made available is set out in Appendix 1 to each grid user’s connection contract.
A specific tariff is applied to power made available at the additional access points, corresponding to 20% of the tariff for power made available at a main access point.
For more about the concept of power made available, see the product sheet titled ‘Connecting to the Elia grid: a multi-stage process’.
For more about the tariff for power made available, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs' and the current tariffs -
Exceeding the power made availableIf the volume of power made available for offtake is exceeded, a tariff will be applied to the surplus offtake measured in month M and will be payable over a period running from month M till month M+11.
The second invoice issued for services provided in calendar month M covers the tariff applying when the power made available for offtake is exceeded. The tariff relates to the surplus offtake measured in month M and will be payable from month M to month M+11. It corresponds to the tariff for power made available for offtake, plus 50%. The reference point used for the calculation is the 11th peak of the month, measured in kVA. If the power made available for offtake is exceeded more than once in the aforementioned 12-month period, the period will be extended automatically.
For more details about grid access tariffs, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs’ and the current tariffs. -
Operation of the electricity system
This category consists of two tariffs: the tariff for the operation of the electricity system and the tariff for the offtake of additional reactive energy.
The second invoice covers the tariff for the operation of the electricity system, minus the prepayment invoiced in the basic invoice.
The amount is calculated on the basis of the net volume of energy taken off or injected (in MWh) at the relevant access points in month M: the cost of the services depends on the volume of energy taken off from the Elia grid or injected into it.
Elia makes quarter-hourly values available to access holders, enabling them to check their invoices and adjust their consumption profiles accordingly.
For more details about grid access tariffs, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs’ and the current tariffs. -
Offtake of additional reactive energy
This is the tariff that access holders must pay for the reactive energy supplied by Elia pursuant to the applicable grid codes. It varies according to the mechanism used (inductive or capacitive) and the volume of additional reactive energy.
More about reactive energy.
For more details about grid access tariffs, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs’ and the current tariffs. -
Offsetting imbalances
This category consists of two tariffs, namely the tariff for power reserves and black start and the tariff for maintaining and restoring the residual balance of individual BRPs, for which they are invoiced directly (see invoicing for balancing). This tariff is applied equally to each access point for offtake and injection, regardless of the infrastructure level to which the relevant grid user is connected, because the service is the same for every access point.
The second invoice covers the tariff for offsetting imbalances, minus the prepayment invoiced in the basic invoice.
For more details about grid access tariffs, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs’ and the current tariffs. -
Market integration
The tariff for market integration relates to a range of services provided by Elia, including the development and integration of an effective and efficient electricity market, the management of interconnections, coordination with neighbouring countries and the European authorities, and the publication of data as required by transparency obligations.
The second invoice covers the tariff for market integration, minus the prepayment invoiced in the basic invoice.
For more details about grid access tariffs, see the product sheet titled ‘Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs’ and the current tariffs. -
Tariffs for public service obligations
These tariffs relate to the cost of the public service obligations that are imposed on Elia by the relevant authorities and are not directly connected with system operation. The cost is added to grid users' invoices.
The federal and regional authorities have all established public service obligations that are payable by grid users. -
Public service obligation: financing the connection of offshore wind farms (federal)
The public service obligation for the financing of the connection of offshore wind farms is intended to cover the costs incurred by Elia in fulfilling its obligation to finance the subsea cables required for the connection of wind farms. Elia's contribution amounts to a maximum of €25 m per wind farm, divided into annual instalments of €5m.
Public service obligation: financing green certificates (federal)
The public service obligation for the financing of green certificates is intended to cover the costs incurred by Elia as a result of the difference between the purchase and resale prices of green certificates for offshore wind farms and other green certificates, pursuant to the federal regulations.
Public service obligation: financing measures to promote rational energy use in Flanders
This public service obligation applies to offtake in the Flemish Region and is intended to cover the costs incurred by Elia for the financing of measures to promote rational energy use in Flanders.
Public service obligation: financing support measures for renewable energy and cogeneration in Flanders
This public service obligation applies to offtake in the Flemish Region and is intended to cover the costs incurred by Elia for the financing of support measures for renewable energy and cogeneration.
Public service obligation: financing support measures for renewable energy in Wallonia
This public service obligation applies to offtake in the Walloon Region and is intended to cover the costs incurred by Elia in fulfilling its obligation to purchase Walloon green certificates at €65 per certificate.
Taxes and levies
This category covers all taxes and levies payable by Elia pursuant to laws, decrees, ordinances or the associated implementing decrees, where these are not included in the tariffs for public service obligations.
Taxes and levies: federal contribution
The federal contribution is a tax set by the federal regulator, CREG, and collected by Elia. It is intended to finance the costs involved in regulating and controlling the electricity market. The proceeds from this contribution are intended to finance five funds managed by CREG. It applies to all Elia grid users and also to end customers (through distribution system operators). The federal contribution is subject to VAT.
Taxes and levies: levy for occupying public land in Wallonia
The levy for occupying public land in Wallonia applies to offtake in the Walloon Region and is intended to cover Elia’s annual payment to the Walloon municipalities for the grid’s occupation of public land.
Taxes and levies: levy for occupying the road network in Brussels
The levy for occupying the road network in Brussels applies to offtake in the Brussels-Capital Region and is intended to cover Elia’s annual payment to the Brussels municipalities for the grid’s occupation of the road network.