Additional metering services
Additional metering services are metering and measurement services that are not considered standard metering services.
Two types of additional metering services
There are two types of additional metering services: commercial metering services and commercial metering services specific to operators of closed distribution systems (CDSs).
Commercial metering services
- the quarter-hourly integration of a physical energy measurement acquired directly by existing Elia equipment (active or reactive energy);
- an aggregation of such integrated measurements. The requester selects the terms of the aggregation from among the physically available measurements;
- a remote measurement and/or remote signal.
Here is a brief outline of the services on offer:
Daily and/or monthly provision of load curves, either aggregated or by metering pointLoad curves are calculated based on quarter-hourly data. Before they are made available, they can be grouped (aggregated) for each access point, each delivery point, and so on, or grouped using equations set by the requester.
All the data are brought together in a monthly file. Each day, the monthly file is updated with non-validated quarter-hourly values from the previous day. As time goes on, these quarter-hourly values are subsequently validated by Elia and the validated values replace the initial non-validated quarter-hourly values.
For more details about this product, see product sheet M1. -
Provision of metering data in near-real timeElia makes metering data available in near-real time to inform customers of their level of consumption and/or generation at one or more points on the grid.
Like load curves, metering data are published on the Elia website. However, there is one significant difference: metering data are available just a few minutes after the end of the quarter-hour in question.
If no near-real-time data are available, remote measurements will be used. However, this information is slightly less accurate than load curve information.
For more details about this product, see product sheet M4. -
Supply of remote metering pulsesRemote metering pulses are electric signals emitted by meters. They are sent to service requesters through a conductor or remote transmission system. Each signal is the equivalent of one unit of active or reactive energy. These pulses enable grid users to access their gross consumption and generation data in real time.
For more details about this product, see product sheet M2. -
Real-time provision of remote measurements and remote signalsElia shares its remote measurements and/or remote signals with the Tase2 protocol (ICCP) using transmission channels between its SCADA system and the customer's system.
This provides the customer with real-time remote measurements and/or signals which Elia's control centre uses to manage the transmission system. -
Installation and management of metersGrid users can ask Elia to install meters in their facilities to provide an appropriate response to some of their specific needs (e.g. internal invoicing, consumption management, acquisition of green certificates).
At the request of grid users, Elia can also assume responsibility for the management of these meters (monitoring the accuracy of the meter and being the first to take action in the event of meter failure).
For more details about this product, see product sheet M3.
Commercial Metering services specific to closed distribution system (CDS) operators
Elia offers specific services for closed distribution system operators to assist them in managing their access registers and carrying out mandatory data exchanges with market players. As such, Elia helps them to fulfil some of their regulatory obligations.
The closed distribution system operator and Elia sign a service provision contract to regulate the provision of these services. The useful links on this page include a link to a sample service provision contract.
Here is a brief outline of the services on offer:
Provision of aggregated or non-aggregated data to market playersElia, acting on behalf of the closed distribution system operator, provides metering data to the market players specified by the closed distribution system operator (the closed distribution system's users, suppliers and balance responsible parties). The data are shared at the interval(s) selected by the closed distribution system operator.
Elia transfers aggregated or non-aggregated metering data relating to (virtual or physical) access and delivery points according to the data exchange formats, protocols and timetables set out in the document 'Metering data exchange for CDS Operator'.
Elia makes this data available to the closed distribution system's users, suppliers and balance responsible parties, provided that Elia has actually received the data from the closed distribution system operator. -
Provision of specific reportsThis service consists of reporting data to one or more regulators on behalf of the closed distribution system operator. The report types and the frequency with which reports are sent are customised in the relevant service provision contract.
The closed distribution system operator can only access this service if it also avails itself of the services for the provision of aggregated or non-aggregated data to the market players specified by the client. -
Allocation of EAN codesElia can allocate a unique 18-digit identification code, known as the EAN code, on behalf of the closed distribution system operator. The EAN code uniquely identifies a metering system, specific aggregation, or access or delivery point within the operator's closed distribution system.

Product sheets