Imbalance prices (15 min)
Elia publishes imbalance price applied if an imbalance is found between injections and offtakes in a BRP's balance area.
Imbalance price indicator and validated imbalance price
When imbalance prices are published on a quarter-hourly basis, the published prices have not yet been validated and can therefore only be used as an indication of the imbalance price. Only after the published prices have been validated can they be used for invoicing purposes.
Quality status
Indication on the reliability of the data
The possible values are the following:- Non-validated (default): no error registered during the calculation and publication run. The published data are likely but have not been validated by an operator
- Data issue: at least one error registered during the calculation and publication run. The published data are uncertain and must be reviewed by an operator
ACEThe Area Control Error (ACE) is the unintentional deviation from the scheduled control program for the power interchange of a control area. (all the intentional deviations from the program, due to units delivering FCR, or due to exchanges of energy on the EU balancing platforms, are therefore excluded from the ACE). In Belgium the ACE equals the FRCE (Frequency Restoration Control Error)
SIThe System Imbalance (SI) is the difference between the unintentional deviation from the scheduled control program for the power interchange of a control area and the frequency restoration reserves activated to cover the demands of this control area. In practice, it is calculated as described in T&C BRP. The values published at a given minute are computed taking into account the average of the events that happened between the start of the quarter hour and the end of the considered minute.
Additional incentive applied on top of the regulation costs in cases of major system imbalances. The value of the alpha component is computed taking into account the measured SI of previous quarter hours (published on the 15-minute imbalance price table) and the estimated SI for current quarter hour (published in the current table)
Additional incentive applicable in cases of reserve sharing activations requested by Elia with neighboring TSO(s). The value of the alpha’ component is computed taking into account the marginal price of reserve sharing activations requested by Elia. As of the first connection to MARI/Picasso the a' becomes zero
MIPThe marginal price of upward activations comprises, for a given quarter-hour, the highest price of energy used for upward activations to compensate for the imbalance in the Belgian control area for that quarter-hour, a floor and a dead band. For more information see article 30 of T&C BRP.
MDPThe marginal price of downward activations comprises, for a given quarter-hour, the lowest price of energy used for downward activations to compensate for the imbalance in the Belgian control area for that quarter-hour, a cap and a dead band. For more information see article 30 of T&C BRP
PriceThe imbalance price calculated for each quarter-hour.