05 December 2018
Elia and national Grid inaugurate Nemo Link and connect Belgium with the United Kingdom
Elia and National Grid inaugurated the first submarine electricity interconnector between Belgium and the United Kingdom on Wednesday, 5 December.
The ceremony was attended by the Energy Minister Marie Christine Marghem and the State Secretary for the North Sea Philippe De Backer. The commissioning of Nemo Link marks an important new stage in integrating the European electricity grid and will promote the transition to a sustainable and affordable energy system. The development of interconnectors in Europe will facilitate the integration of renewable energies into the mix while offering additional security of supply.

Elia and national Grid inaugurate Nemo Link and connect Belgium with the United Kingdom
Elia et national Grid inaugurent Nemo Link et connectent la Belgique et le Royaume-Uni (in French)
Elia en National Grid huldigen Nemo Link kabel in die België verbindt met Groot-Brittannië (in Dutch)