How to get grid access
Any customer wanting to inject electricity into or take electricity from our grid via an access point must conclude an access contract.

How to get grid access
An access point is an injection or offtake point, the physical location on the grid where electricity offtake or injection is possible. An access point is defined by both its voltage level and its physical location.
Accessing our grid
Grid users must sign a standard access contract to gain access to our grid (i.e. have the right to inject or take off energy). How should they go about it?
Changing access to the grid
Access holders can ask Elia to modify their grid access (e.g. add access points or change BRP).
Access contract
Once an access request has been submitted, the requester will receive an access contract. This contract governs the rights and obligations in force regarding use of the Elia grid. Take a look at the contract and review the main points.