07 March 2025
Full-year results: Securing clean competitiveness
Regulated information
- We have committed substantial investments totalling to €4,804.3 million in the grid, driving forward society’s decarbonisation efforts. This has led to regulatory asset base of €18.5 billion1, marking a notable increase of 27.8%
- Very high grid reliability of 99.9% in Belgium and 99.8% in Germany; while ensuring operational excellence and efficiency
- To support grid investments and drive strategic expansion, the Group has secured €9.7 billion in liquidity
- Net profit Elia Group share hits €421.3 million2, achieving an 8.37% ROE (adj.3) and a double-digit EPS growth, underscoring our capabilities to deliver strong shareholder value
- Elia Group’s 2025 outlook projects a net profit Elia Group share between €490 million and €540 million
- Updated capex plan for the period 2024-2028 with total investments of €31.6 billion, of which €26.8 billion will be deployed during 2025-2028
- Elia Group announces a €2.2 billion equity package including a secured €850 million via private placement to fund infrastructure investments, ensuring grid reliability and advancing clean energy competitiveness
- We envisage a dividend of €2.05 per share in line with Elia Group’s policy to grow DPS with Belgium CPI, to be presented at the General Meeting on 20 May 2025. The new shares issued in the context of the PIPE and rights issue will not be entitled to the 2024 dividend to be paid in June 2025
1 Closing RAB including 100% of Belgium and Germany
2 Net profit Elia Group share refers to the net profit attributable to owners of ordinary shares
3 Determined as the result attributable to ordinary shareholder/Equity attributable to owners of ordinary shares adjusted for the value of the future contracts (hedging reserve)

Yannick Dekoninck
Head of Capital Markets
mobile: +32 (0) 478 90 13 16
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels

Stéphanie Luyten
Head of Investor Relations
mobile: +32 (0) 467 05 44 95
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels