Transparency on Grid Data
Transparency on Grid Data contributes to the European electricity market and to the compliance, and is subject to a set of obligations stemming from European regulations and network codes.
Today's dashboard
Load data

Power generation data

Transmission data

Efficient use of our grid and our interconnection capacity, in accordance with the applicable allocation mechanisms, is vital for ensuring security of supply.
Adequacy data

To ensure the adequacy of the Belgian system, Elia cooperates on the implementation and operation of the adequacy mechanisms put in place by the Belgian government.
Balancing data

When an imbalance between generation and consumption occurs on its grid, Elia can use a wide range of measures to restore the balance.
Congestion Management data

When grid components are overloaded or at risk of becoming overloaded in the event of an incident, Elia can activate congestion management measures on its transmission grid to bring the situation back into the applicable safety standards.