09 August 2024
Update on storm damage in Mechelen: Power supply restored following the commissioning of a temporary backup line
- In the wake of the storm on 9 July, Elia has built and integrated five backup pylons into the existing high voltage grid.
- The backup line will remain in service until the destroyed high-voltage line is fully back up and running.
System operator Elia today commissioned the backup line in Heffen. An emergency procedure was immediately launched in order to restore the power supply after the recent storm. The backup line comprising five temporary pylons was the result of consultation with the municipal authorities and a number of land owners and is likely to remain in service for a while. This will give Elia time to best plan and carry out the repairs on the original high-voltage line.
Prior to the storm on 9 July, Mechelen and the surrounding area were supplied with electricity by two 70-kilovolt (kV) high-voltage lines and two 150-kV high-voltage lines. However, extreme weather conditions brought down nine pylons on the 150-kV grid, leaving only the 70-kV grid. This made the local power supply more vulnerable, as there would no longer be a backup should an additional incident occur on one of the 70-kV lines.
New line built at lightning speed by specialist teams
Following a range of tests, the 150-kV backup line was commissioned today. This means that from now on, Mechelen and the surrounding area will be supplied with electricity by two 70-kV lines and one 150-kV backup line.
Thank you!
Anyone with questions about the future repairs can call the free hotline on 0800 11 089 or email omwonenden@elia.be.

Press releases
Update on storm damage in Mechelen: Power supply restored following the commissioning of a temporary backup line
Update dégâts liés à la tempête à Malines : retour à la normale pour l'approvisionnement électrique après la mise en service de la ligne de secours temporaire (in French)
Update stormschade Mechelen: Stroomvoorziening terug genormaliseerd na indienstname van tijdelijke noodlijn