Investment plans
Anticipating future requirements, Elia is already planning future investment projects to develop its grid.

To keep the authorities and the electricity market players abreast of developments, Elia produces investment plans in which it defines the grid development projects it plans to carry out. The investment plans are organised according to the distribution of powers and responsibilities between the different levels of government in Belgium, by voltage level:
- Federal level (380-110 kV): Federal Development Plan
- Regional level (70-30 kV): Walloon Region Adaptation Plan, Brussels Capital Region Investment Plan and Flemish Region Investment Plan.
At European level, Elia plays an active part in ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators). A Ten-Year Network Development Plan covering the entire network of all ENTSO-E members is published every two years.
Federal Development Plan
The Federal Development Plan sets out a detailed estimate of transmission capacity requirements, based on multiple scenarios, and the investment programme that Elia pledges to carry out to meet these requirements.
The Plan factors in adequate reserve capacity requirements and projects of interest designated by the European Union for trans-European networks. Since 2006, the Plan has also been accompanied by an environmental impact report.
It is drawn up in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Energy and the Federal Planning Bureau, in accordance with the Electricity Act of 29 April 1999 on the organisation of the electricity market.
Development Plan
Walloon Region Adaptation Plan
This plan covers a ten-year period and is published annually.
Brussels Capital Region Investment Plans
This Plan covers a ten-year period and is updated annually.
Flemish Region Investment Plans
This plan covers a ten-year period and is updated annually.Ten-Year Network Development Plan – European level
Every other year, ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators, publishes a Ten-Year Network Development Plan for its members' networks.
The plan includes the following:
- modelling of the integrated market;
- scenarios that could impact network requirements;
- European outlook for generation capacity adequacy;
- a list of regional interconnections needed to ensure commercial viability and security of supply;
- an assessment of network flexibility.
Elia is involved in the production of ENTSO-E Ten-Year Network Development Plan. The last latest version of this document can be found here.