Standard metering services
Standard metering services relate to metering data provided by Elia on its own initiative and free of charge to BRPs, access holders and energy suppliers and, on request, to grid users.
How does Elia share these data?
In practice, all requesters receive the aggregated quarter-hourly data for each access point in the form of daily and monthly load curves. These data allow them to invoice for their services and check their invoices.

Elia customer

Useful technical documents
- Metering Manual Concept - English Version
- Metering Manual All Market Parties (excl. DGO and CDS) - English Version
- Metering Manual DGO and CMS - English Version
- Metering Manual CDS - English Version
- General technical requirements of the submetering solutions
- General technical requirements for private measurement for aFRR services
- Homologation compteurs intégrés pour services aFRR - in French
- Homologie ingebouwde meters voor aFRR diensten - in Dutch
- List of EANs of active Distribution System Operators – in English
- List of EANs of Closed Distribution Systems (CDSs) – in English