Invoicing and tariffs
Use of the Elia grid and the available ancillary services is subject to a set of tariff conditions, which are regulated by CREG and reflected in the invoicing.

For injection and offtake of electricity, access holders are subject to the regulated tariffs applying to the volumes measured at the access points to the Elia grid.

Commercial metering
Elia offers a range of additional metering services (commercial services) for market players, and issues quarterly invoices for these services.

Elia issues quarterly invoices covering the tariffs regulated and approved by CREG for the construction, substantial modification, provision and management of connections to the Elia grid.

Elia relies on BRPs (Balance Responsible Party) to maintain the balance in their respective control areas. Each BRP is responsible for maintaining, on a quarter-hourly basis, the balance between all offtakes and all injections in its balancing perimeter. If an imbalance is detected, an imbalance tariff is applied.
- Your invoice explained
- Imbalance tariffs 2024-2027 as from 20/07/2024
- Imbalance tariffs 2024-2027 up to 19/07/2024
- Imbalance tariffs for 2020-2023
- Imbalance tariffs for 2016-2019
- External inconsistency tariffs 2020-2023
- External inconsistency tariffs 2019
- Losses on the federal electricity network
- Contact us