From 1 September 2024, the subjects of these working groups Balancing, CCMD and SO&EMD have been divided between the newly created Grid and Energy Solutions working groups.

Users’ Group

Elia maintains constant contact with its customers and partners through the Users’ Group, a discussion group made up of grid users’ representatives.

What does the Users’ Group do?

The Users' Group was set up by Elia as a consultative body with grid users and other players in the Belgian electricity market. This Users' Group implements article 237 of the Code of Conduct which stipulates that Elia shall organise a permanent dialogue with Market players and is subject to a set of internal regulations 

The Users' Group consists of the Plenary Meeting, Working Groups and Task Forces, each with its own chairperson, secretary and participants. Participation in the Plenary Meeting is only possible if so stipulated in the internal regulations. The Plenary Assembly consists of representatives of the employers' organisations, the wholesale consumers, Infrabel, the traders, the energy exchanges, the producers, the suppliers, the distribution system operators, FPS Economy, K.M.O., Middle Classes and Energy.

Besides the Plenary Meeting, there are currently 4 working groups active in which market participants who are interested can participate. From these working groups, observations and recommendations flow through to the competent minister(s) and/or regulators. Within working groups, task forces can be set up to discuss a file in more detail with the market players who are interested in it. A task force is disbanded upon completion of the dossier.

Besides the Users' Group, The Horizontal Electricity System Think Tank was established in 2022 with the aim of creating (mutual) understanding, exchanging ideas and co-creating the future of the horizontal electricity system for the benefit of society.



This calendar shows when meetings of the Users’ Group, its working groups and its task forces are scheduled to take place.


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