Quarterly Capacity
Apart from the "standard" allocation mechanisms of annual, monthly or weekly cross-border capacities, which are subject of specific publications on the ENTSO-E Transparency platform, other particular mechanisms for long term allocations (ie at a time horizon longeer than day-ahead) may exist on certain borders. These publications are grouped under the generic name "Long Term" in the ENTSO-E publications. The implementation of this allocation mechanism at the Belgium-Great Britain border, planned for this year, is currently awaiting confirmation of the date of the first allocations.
Net transfer capacity (NTC)
The net transfer capacity (NTC) is the forecast transfer capacity agreed by Elia and its neighbouring transmission system operators (TSOs) for imports and exports across Belgium’s borders. Visit Transmission capacity at borders for more information on the calculation method. EU Regulation 543/2013 refers to net transmission capacity as 'forecasted capacity'.
Proposed capacity
In accordance with the split rules mentioned above, the 'proposed capacity' is calculated before yearly capacity resales are included in the monthly auction.
Capacity for auction
This is the sum of the proposed capacity and the resales of previous capacity at the monthly auction. Monthly capacity is sold on the market through explicit auctions organised by JAO.EU, an auction office set up by a group of TSOs (including Elia). EU Regulation 543/2013 refers to this capacity as 'offered capacity'.