29 March 2021
Using drones and AI to inspect Elia's high-voltage pylons
Drones will soon be helping us make sure the lights stay on in Belgium. They will be used to inspect high-voltage pylons.
Elia Group is constantly on the lookout for efficiency gains and new technologies – be it in terms of system operation, grid development, infrastructure or maintenance. The images drones take of high-voltage pylons will be processed using artificial intelligence and compiled into a status report that points out areas for repair in the pylons. The result is safer and more efficient inspections: the line remains in service and nobody has to climb the pylons.
- Some 400 high-voltage pylons will be inspected by drones in 2021.
- Up to 500 photos will be taken per pylon and then analysed using artificial intelligence.
- Belgian companies are taking part in this innovative project.
- At a later stage we will organise remote drone flights for line inspections