14 November 2018
Winter 2018-2019: New Product
The recent unavailability of several nuclear power stations impacts the security of supply in the Belgian Control Area this winter.
Initiatives have already been taken but the need for additional flexibility remains in order to ensure the security of supply of the country. As a result Elia analysed how the remaining flexibility could participate to the balancing market when the system needs it.
Within this context Elia introduces a new product called “Slow R3 Non-Reserved power”. The idea behind this product is to target the flexibility which, today, cannot be offered to Elia within the existing flexibility products (for example flexibility that cannot be activated within 15 minutes).
For more information we invite you to have a look at the following webpage, Winter 2018-2019, were the following information is made available:
- More information on the new product Slow R3 Non-Reserved power;
- General and contractual documents in relation with the Slow R3 Non-Reserved power;
- A RSS feed which will show the activation status of the Slow R3 Non-Reserved power.