Belgian Grid Working Group

The Belgian Grid Working Group handles issues relating to the Elia grid and the associated mechanisms, services and products.

What does the Belgian Grid Working Group do?

The Belgian Grid Working Group comprises representatives of the various categories of users connected to Elia’s high-voltage grid. The working group deals with a variety of subjects, including:
  • the implementation of European network codes in the Belgian context;
  • the revision of the applicable grid codes;
  • the technical or legal requirements for specific issues around connection and access to the Elia grid;
  • future grid developments, including key aspects like closed distribution grids, changing or new market processes, the development of transmission infrastructure, and grid models.

Cooperation with market parties

It is vital for users and the transmission system operator to share their views on these matters, as such exchanges make it easier to produce appropriate technical requirements with regard to the grid, access and connection.

With this in mind, the members of the Belgian Grid Working Group undertake to share their opinions openly and transparently. This approach enables all stakeholders to understand one another’s needs and work together to adopt a joint Belgian position.


The Belgian Grid working group meets five to six times a year and reports directly to the plenary meeting.

Administrative duties for this working group are handled by:
  • Chairman: Jan Voet
  • Secretary: Eva Heerinckx
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