02 December 2022
Avelgem-Avelin, one step closer to security of supply for Belgium and France
On 2 December 2022, the electricity transmission system operators of Belgium (Elia) and France (RTE) unveiled the reinforcement of the electricity connection between their two countries in the presence of the Walloon Minister of Energy, Philippe Henry and representatives from the French public authorities. The Avelgem-Avelin connection is now equipped with high temperature, low sag (HTLS) conductors, state-of-the-art technology which enables twice the amount of power to be carried across it (from 3 to 6 GW). This reinforcement of the European backbone will contribute to the security of supply of both countries, to the integration of renewable energy into the system and to the strengthening the integrated European grid.

Marleen Vanhecke
Head of Communication & Reputation Elia Group
mobile: +32 486 49 01 09
office: +32 2 546 71 32

Press Releases
Avelgem-Avelin, one step closer to security of supply for Belgium and France
Avelgem-Avelin, un pas de plus vers la sécurité d’approvisionnement de la Belgique et de la France
Avelgem-Avelin: een stap vooruit voor de bevoorradingszekerheid in België en Frankrijk