Task Force Princess Elisabeth Zone

This Task Force informs market players on all relevant aspects related to the Princess Elisabeth Energy Island project

What does the Task Force Princess Elisabeth Zone do?

The purpose of this Task Force is to inform and consult market players on all relevant aspects related to the Princess Elisabeth Energy Island project particularly with regard to:

  • System and balancing integration;
  • Market integration;
  • Connection requirements (voltage management, protection philosophy,..)

Ad-hoc workshop are organized to discuss content and technical aspects.

The topics addressed in the Task Force Princess Elisabeth Zone (PEZ) and related workshops were consolidated in a report submitted for public consultation from this 20 November 2023 to this 22 January 2024, to highlight the considerations to be taken into account by the candidate developers for the upcoming offshore concessions and the impact on other stakeholders. The final outcomes of this Task Force PEZ was presented in the last Task Force PEZ organized this 16th of May and are made available on the Elia public consultation website.


The Task Force meets approximately four times a year. Administrative duties for this Task Force are handled by:

  • Chairman: Benjamin Genêt  
  • Secretary: Bilal Hahati
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