13 September 2018
Elia would like to invite you to participate in the formal public consultations organized by ENTSOE regarding the following:
Elia would like to invite you to participate in the formal public consultations organized by ENTSOE regarding the following:
- Establishment of a methodology for classifying the activation purposes of balancing energy bids, in accordance with Article 29(3) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (EBGL).
- Establishment of a methodology to determine prices for the balancing energy that results from the activation of balancing energy bids for the frequency restoration process and a methodology for pricing of cross-zonal capacity used for the exchange of balancing energy or for operating the imbalance netting process according to Article 30(1) and Article 30(3) of the aforementioned regulation.
The consultations run from 13 September 2018 until 13 November 2018 and are accessible on the ENTSO-E website via the following links Article 29(3) and Article 30(1) & (3)