News Connecting the Seraing CCGT power plant to the Elia grid
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27 February 2025
Seraing: Planting along Chemin des papillons
On 18 February, over 40 pupils from Bouleaux Primary School in Seraing took part in a planting activity along Chemin des Papillons pathway.
24 February 2025
Mobility news - Seraing
Update: rue des Nations-Unies and a section of the N90 highway have reopened to traffic in both directions.
23 August 2024
Rue des Nations-Unies in Seraing reopens for good
As part of work to lay the high-voltage underground connection linking Seraing CCGT power plant to the Elia electricity substation located in Rimière (Neupré), Rue des Nations-Unies in Seraing has been completely closed to traffic since 5 August. -
08 August 2024
Temporary closure of rue des Nations-Unies prior to full reopening to traffic
As announced in July, rue des Nations-Unies will be closed to traffic in both directions from 5 to 23 August 2024, inclusive. This temporary complete road closure is to allow for rue des Nations-Unies to be returned to its original layout before reopening to two-way traffic.
09 July 2024
Temporary closure of Rue des Nations-Unies in Seraing
The work scheduled to be carried out on Rue des Nations-Unies will require the complete and temporary closure of this road between 9 and 19 July 2024 inclusive.
06 June 2024
Safety reminder - Chemin des Papillons
In order to further dissuade passers-by from breaching the safety barriers at Chemin des Papillons, we have installed reinforced protection.
10 May 2024
Resumption of work
Following numerous consultation meetings with the city of Seraing and other parties involved in the support committee that has been meeting monthly since the start of Elia's work in Seraing, an agreement has been reached to restart the worksite.
01 February 2024
Installation of protective barriers for amphibians along our trenches in Seraing
With temperatures rising both day and night, amphibians are likely to migrate to breeding grounds over the next few days or even weeks.
12 September 2023
Work continues on Route de Seraing
The work required to connect the future CCGT power station in Seraing to the Elia grid is continuing. This Monday our teams will begin to install junction box pit n° 7 (part of the new underground connection) alongside the road between Neupré and Seraing.
26 July 2023
Work continues in Seraing
While work continues on the Route de Seraing / Rotheux, Elia will shortly be starting work on the next section, located in Rue des Nations-Unies in Seraing.
07 July 2023
Reminder – Comply with construction site signs
We are aware of the duration of the construction site and its potential impact, and we would like to remind you that strict compliance with safety instructions and the Highway Code is essential to avoid endangering yourself or others.
12 May 2023
Progress on the reinstatement of the Route du Condroz
The construction of the first two sections (between the Rimière substation and the Route de Seraing) has been completed and the reinstatement of the Route du Condroz is now underway.
21 April 2023
Reinstatement of the Route du Condroz
The construction of the first two sections (between the Rimière substation and the Route de Seraing) has been completed successfully. The reinstatement of the Route du Condroz can now begin.
10 February 2023
Reminder: closure of Route de Seraing and Route de Rotheux
As from Monday 13 February 2023 6am, the Route de Seraing / Route de Rotheux will be closed to car traffic.
07 February 2023
Preparatory work in Seraing: in compliance with environmental legislation
In order to comply with the obligations arising from the permit issued to Elia and the legislation in force on the conservation of nature, the felling of trees required for the Elia site will take place on 7 and 8 February 2023, outside the bird nesting season.
03 February 2023
Site news: first section installed
At the end of January 2023, the electrical installations were successfully installed on the first section of the site (between the Rimière substation and junction 8).
13 January 2023
First section of Route de Seraing to be limited to one-way traffic starting on January 11
This week, a directional drilling worksite began between the Chêne Madame crossroads and the start of Route de Seraing. The work is scheduled to be completed in early February.
06 January 2023
Site info: closure of Route de Seraing and Route de Rotheux
According to the provisional schedule, our teams will work (execution of a directed drilling) between the Chêne Madame crossroads and the start of Route de Seraing, up to number 4 from 09 January 2023 until early February 2023.
Works will then continue on Route de Seraing and Route de Rotheux as from early February 2023. According to the provisional schedule, the works on this axis will end around mid-August 2023.
14 November 2022
Update 18/11 - change of dates
Mobility information: closure of a section of the Route du Condroz.
Due to an unfavourable weather forecast for this weekend, this operation is pushed back to Sunday 27/11 and Monday 28/11 (same hours).
18 October 2022
Start of construction on 7 November, stay informed with the interactive map
According to the provisional schedule, the project to install a new 220 kV underground connection to link the future Seraing power station the project to install a new 220 kV underground connection to link the future Seraing power station to Elia’s grid will start on 7 November.
22 January 2021
Launch of the public consultation
In connection with the project to connect the future combined-cycle gas turbine power plant in Seraing to the Elia grid, a public consultation will be organised, as required by law. The consultation will run from 28 January to 26 February 2021. -
22 September 2020
Advance public information meeting on 22 September 2020
As part of the project to connect the prospective Seraing combined-cycle gas turbine power plant in Seraing to the Elia grid, an advance public information meeting ahead of the completion of the environmental impact assessment is being organised.