News Brabo lll
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06 March 2025
Brabo III entering a new phase
After completing the erection of many of the new pylons for the Brabo III project, a new phase started at the construction site: installation of the conductors for this new, 380-kilovolt overhead line.
06 November 2024
Highest pylon built in the Brabo III project
Last week, a new 132-metre pylon was built at the Kallosluis in Beveren. The second pylon here will follow in the next few months.
02 April 2024
Next phase begins: first pylon installed in Kallo
On 25 March, Elia installed in Kallo (Beveren) the first high-voltage pylon for the new 380-kV high-voltage Liefkenshoek–Mercator line in Kruibeke. As part of the Brabo III project, this is the first in a long line of 58 new pylons that will prepare the port of Antwerp and Waasland for the energy transition and enable our country to exchange more electricity with the Netherlands.
06 December 2023
Traffic disruption expected on E17 between Sint-Niklaas and Kruibeke due to night-time dismantling work on the high-voltage line
Elia (the system operator) is currently reinforcing the high-voltage line (380 kV) between Liefkenshoek and the Mercator high-voltage substation in Kruibeke as part of the Brabo III project. Because of this work, the E17 at slip-road complex 15 and 16 in Sint-Niklaas and Kruibeke will be closed between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. on the night of 8 to 9 December 2023.
03 October 2023
Heavy traffic disruption expected on E34 in Beveren, due to night-time dismantling work on the high-voltage line
The system operator, Elia, is currently reinforcing the high-voltage line (380kV) between Liefkenshoek and the high-voltage substation Mercator in Kruibeke as part of the Brabo III project. For these works, the E34 at the slip road complex 9 in Beveren will be completely closed between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. for two nights in October.
06 September 2023
Work begins on Liefkenshoek–Mercator high-voltage line (380kV)
Elia is upgrading the Liefkenshoek–Mercator (Kruibeke) high-voltage line. In late August Elia will begin taking down the existing high-voltage line (150kV) and will later build a new, upgraded high-voltage line (380kV) in the same location. To support the heavier lines, Elia is replacing 58 high-voltage pylons with new ones. The new masts will look virtually the same as they do today.
19 June 2023
Successful commissioning of Kallo-Beveren-Waas underground cable
The underground cable connection between the high-voltage substations of Kallo and Beveren Waas was successfully started up this week. With it, all cable works of the Brabo III project were completed and the line work can start shortly.
27 October 2022
Start of work in the Lisdodde nature reserve
From November, system operator Elia will start reinforcing and renewing the high voltage line Liefkenshoek-Mercator (380 kV). The works take place within the framework of Brabo III. The high-voltage line runs partly through the Lisdodde nature reserve. Elia carries out the necessary trimming and felling activities to ensure that the work is done safely.
05 August 2022
Laying of underground electrical cablesfinalised
In 2021, Elia started laying underground cables (150 kV) between the high-voltage substations of Kallo and Fort Sint-Filips and Beveren-Waas. This work has now been completed. Elia is currently conducting the necessary safety tests so that these cables can be taken into service.
17 August 2021
Start of public consultation for an environmental permit
Public consultation
Elia has submitted a permit application to upgrade the existing high-voltage line between Liefkenshoek and Kruibeke. The application was declared complete by the Flemish government on 9 August 2021. The public consultation will begin on Thursday, 19 August 2021 and run until Friday, 17 September 2021.
07 October 2020
More than 60 people attend information sessions in Beveren
Two information sessions for the Brabo III project were held on 29 and 30 September, entirely in accordance with the precautions for combating the coronavirus (COVID-19). More than 60 local residents visited the information session to find out about the project.
06 October 2020
Brabo III in pictures via handy digital app
Elia has developed a Project Atlas as part of the Brabo III project. This is a visualisation on a map showing the current and future situation around the high-voltage Liefkenshoek-Mercator line that is going to be upgraded. -
09 April 2020
Everything you always wanted to know about Brabo III in a handy brochure
Keen to find out more about Brabo III? Our brochure entitled Makkelijker elektriciteit importeren en exporteren (Importing and exporting electricity more easily – available in Dutch only) provides a clear overview of the three subprojects and the kind of work being performed