Public consultation on the methodology, the basis data and scenarios used for the study regarding the adequacy and flexibility needs of the Belgian power system for the period 2026-2036 


The documents submitted to this public consultation are:

  • A general document detailing the context, generalities, and assumptions of the central scenario;
  • An Excel file containing all assumptions proposed as part of the central scenario of the study;
  • 14 methodological appendixes:
    • Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch;
    • Electricity consumption ;
    • Thermal generation modelling ;
    • Electric vehicle modelling ;
    • Heat pump modelling ;
    • Batterie modelling ;Adequacy study;
    • Reliability standard ;
    • Adequacy patch ;
    • Climate years ;
    • Cross-border exchange capacities; 
    • Economic viability assessment ;
    • Methodology for the assessment on short-term flexibility;
    • Assumptions for the assessment of short-term flexibility;
  • The study from Professor K. Boudt on « Analysis of hurdle rates for Belgian electricity capacity adequacy and flexibility analysis over the period 2026-2036 ».

    This study is part of the Electricity Act, article 7bis, §4bis, which states that (Elia’s translation into English): « No later than 30 June of each biennial period, the system operator shall carry out an analysis of the needs of the Belgian electricity system in terms of the country’s adequacy and flexibility for the next ten years. The basic assumptions and scenarios, as well as the methodology used for this analysis, shall be determined by the system operator in collaboration with the Directorate General for Energy and the Federal Planning Bureau and in concertation with the regulator. »

    This consultation aims at receiving any comment from market participants on these data and the methodology as well as any suggestion on possible sensitivities on the central scenario.



Stakeholders are kindly requested to provide their comments and suggestions to Elia within one month from the start of the consultation. Feedback is expected by Thursday 5 December 2024 at 6pm.

  • Documents for consultation
  • Stakeholders
  • Consultation report
  • Updated documents
No documents are available at the moment.
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