Rimière - Ougrée/Cockerill
Dismantling a 70 kV overhead line

Optimising the Liège grid
The project involves the dismantling of the 70 kV overhead line that currently connects Rimière substation (Neupré) to Ougrée/Cockerill (Seraing) substation. The line is just over 11 km long and crosses the municipalities of Neupré, Seraing and Liège.
This line used to supply electricity to the Cockerill factories and is now coming to the end of its useful life. Given the socio-economic development in the Province of Liège, as well as the changes to Elia's Liège grid and what these changes have brought about, this line is no longer useful and can now be dismantled. In the Beausite area of Seraing, where this line meets another (which is still operational), the conductors will be rearranged after being dismantled.
The security of the region's electricity supply will continue to be guaranteed by the meshing of the Elia grid.
Benefits to society
Guaranteeing the safety and reliability of infrastructure
As part of its role as operator of Belgium's high-voltage system operator, Elia must continually ensure the safety and reliability of its infrastructure. Accordingly, some lines need to be upgraded and others, dismantled. The decision to dismantle a line is taken when it is deemed no longer necessary for the operation of the grid or when it reaches the end of its service life. This is the case with the Rimière-Ougrée/Cockerill line.
Guaranteeing security of supply
The security of the electricity supply is guaranteed by the meshing of Elia's grid and the various upgrades recently carried out on the Liège grid to meet the region's changing requirements. The reorganisation of the Liège grid, which is currently under way, will enable Elia to rationalise its infrastructure in the region.
The route
Elia pays particular attention to the proper execution of its works and the environment in which these are carried out. Procedures are put in place for each stage of the work, making it possible to limit the impact on fauna, flora, mobility and local residents. -
Dismantling work is expected to take a total of one year, starting in October of 2024. -
Interactive map
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