Offsetting grid losses

Elia buys some 500 GWh each year to offset grid losses with voltages of between 26 kV and 70 kV.

European call for tenders

These purchases are made using a European call for tenders which is open to all suppliers (generators, traders, etc.) holding an Balance Responsible Party (BRP) contract. Once a year, Elia publishes a contract notice inviting interested suppliers to apply. The procedure to be followed and the list of documents that must be provided are detailed in this contract notice.

Selection criteria

Candidates are selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • economic criteria (main business activity in recent years, experience of supplying similar services, main contracts, supplied volumes, etc.);
  • financial criteria (balance sheets, liquidity ratios, solvency, profitability, etc.);
  • technical criteria (quality system, suitably qualified staff, knowledge of languages, etc.).

The various calls for tenders are then passed on to the selected candidates, who submit their tender prices by means of online price submission procedures organised by Elia throughout the year for the provision of energy. The selected candidates are generally warned a few hours beforehand that a call for tenders is going to take place.

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