Public consultation on the methodology, hypotheses and data sources for the dimensioning of the volumes of strategic reserve needed for winter 2019-2020
Elia launched the public consultation on the methodology, hypotheses and data sources for determining the volume of strategic reserve for the winter 2019-20Context
This public consultation was held in the context of the yearly process of the volume determination of strategic reserve, as described in the Article 7bis of the Law of 29 April 1999 concerning the organisation of the electricity market (‘Electricity Act’).
The analysis by Elia concerns the need for the winter 2019-20 and provides an indication for the winters 2020-21 and 2021-22.
Elia is committed to provide market parties and relevant stakeholders with a full understanding of the methodology and data for the calculation of the necessary volume of strategic reserve. Stakeholders were invited to submit their comments and suggestions during a period of four weeks between April 23 2018 until May 21 2018 at 6pm.
Elia publishes today a summary of the received feedback in order to inform market parties on all received reactions and to give its replies to these reactions. This will also be presented in the Task Force "Implementation Strategic Reserves" on 9th July.