2015 - Tariff proposal for the period 2016-2019
Consultation on the Elia proposal with regard to the key factors of foreseen evolutions in the tariff proposal for the period 2016-2019
Elia will formally consult the market players on the aforementioned factors. The purpose of this consultation is to collect any remarks from the market players regarding Elia’s proposals. Elia will take all responses received into account as much as possible when drawing up the tariff proposal for 2016-2019.
The consultation period runs from Monday 20 April 2015 to Monday 4 May 2015.
Responses can be sent to Elia at consultations@elia.be until 6 p.m. on 4 May 2015.
The market players’ names and their respective responses will be passed on to CREG. If the market players so wish, their names will not be included in the consultation report that will be made available to the market players.
In relation to this formal consultation, Elia organises an extraordinary meeting of the Users’ Group on Thursday 23 April at 12.30 p.m.
Milestones Tariffs’ Proposal
- 30/6 : introduction of Elia tariffs’ proposal to CREG
- July/Aug : CREG can ask additional information during 60 days after introduction
- Aug/Sept: Elia communicates to CREG within 30 days the requested additional information
- Max 100d after reception of the Elia tariffs’ proposal : decision CREG: approval or refusal (at last 8/10/2015)
- In case of approval: CREG communicates a motivated decision to the market
- In case of refusal :
- Oct. : hearing of Elia by the CREG (at last 23/10/2015)
- Introduction of adapted Elia tariffs’ proposal (max 30d after receiving CREG decision)
- Decision CREG: approval or refusal (max 30d after introduction of adapted Elia tariffs’ proposal)
- 1/1/2016 : entry into force of new tariffs
In all transparency and in order to assure the most efficient implementation of the new tariffs starting January 2016, the CREG has published, on the 30th of October 2015, the elements of the new tariff structure which will be applicable as of the 1st of January 2016.
Link to the publication by the CREG (in French)