2014 - Public consultation – Tariffs’ structure
Consultation with respect to the Elia proposal for modification of the tariff structure
Elia will formally consult the market players on the “Elia proposal for modification of the tariff structure”. The purpose of this consultation is to receive any remarks that the relevant market players affected by the proposals might have. All responses received in this connection will be passed on to the CREG.
The consultation period for the “Consultation document with respect to the Elia proposal for modification of the tariff structure” runs from Friday June 6th 2014 to Friday June 20th 2014.
Responses can be sent to Elia until 20 June 2014, 18:00 at the following e-mail address: consultations@elia.be.
These reactions (with names) will be included in the official communication to the CREG. If a market player so requests, the response will be handled anonymously in the consultation report made available to the market players.
In connection with this formal consultation, Elia has communicated the useful information to the Users’ Group, during its Plenary Meeting of 5 June 2014.