Public consultation - Modifications for 2013
Modifications in 2013 to the Elia Access Contract and ARP Contract
Elia will formally consult the market players on proposed modifications to the access contract and ARP contract. The changes to these contracts are required owing to the modified Elia tariffs for the period 2012-2015 and to the development of new balancing products as well as changes to certain administrative processes. The purpose of the consultation is to receive any remarks that the relevant market players affected by the proposals might have. All responses received in this connection will be passed on to the regulators at the time of the official request for approval to change the contracts.
The consultation period for Modifications in 2013 to the Access Contract and ARP Contract runs from 15 July 2013 to 31 August 2013.
Responses can be sent to Elia until 31 August 2013 at the following e-mail addresses:
These reactions (with names) will be included in the official application file for approval of the changes to the contracts. If the market player so requests, its response will be handled anonymously in the consultation report made available to the market players.
In connection with this formal consultation, Elia is organising an information session open to any interested parties on Thursday, 18 July 2013 . The meeting will take place at 9 a.m. at Elia (meeting room 0.20), Boulevard de l’Empereur 20, 1000 Brussels.
Please confirm your attendance or the name of the person who will represent you by sending an e-mail to
Consultation document
Note explicative des modifications proposées par Elia au contrat de responsable d’accès et au contrat d’accès (in French)
Contrat ARP, avec les modifications proposées (in French)
Master (in French)
Annexe 6 adaptée (in French)
Nouvelle Annexe 15 (in French)
Presentation (in French)