Becoming a Restoration Service Provider
Elia procures restoration services via the contract notice procedure.
Contract notice procedure
Upon launching a call for tenders, Elia publishes a Contract Notice inviting interested parties to submit their offers . This Contract Notice outlines the procedure to be followed and lists the documents to be supplied.

1 Step 1: Become a qualified provider
A party should apply to become a provider prior to submitting a proposal. Potential providers can apply by sending Elia a completed application form and the sworn statement required for the service in question.
Candidates can be excluded from the process on certain grounds, such as being bankrupt or having a criminal record. Elia will also ask that candidates undergo financial screening (generally involving a financial report compiled by an independent assessment firm taking into account balance sheets, liquidity ratios, solvency, and so on).
Important dates RSP tender with delivery 2027-2038:
- Launch Call for Candidates: 28/06/2024
- Last date for documents submission as candidate provider: 11/09/2024.
2 Step 2: Submit an initial Black Start Providing Group proposal in response to the call for tenders
Following the call for candidate providers, Elia launches a call for tenders in which only qualified candidates can participate. At the moment of the call for tender Elia communicates all concerned documents along with the contract proposal.
Parties wishing to participate in a call for tenders must submit their proposal in accordance with the procurement procedures.
During the initial step of the Call for Tender, ELIA assesses the feasibility of the submitted Black Start Providing Group proposal to provide the Black Start service in accordance with the Restoration Plan.
Important dates RSP tender with delivery 2027-2038:
- Elia sends invitation to selected candidates: 23/09/2024
- Last date for initial proposal submission as qualified provider: 15/11/2024
- Elia’s communication concerning the outcome of the feasibility assessment: 15/01/2025
- Elia sends the conclusion of the initial proposal assessment at the latest: 15/01/2025
3 Step 3: Submit final proposal after receiving the conclusion of Elia’s assessment of the initial proposal
After Step 2, the RSP candidate can update the proposal and submit a final proposal which will be assessed in the final assessment and deemed feasible or unfeasible.
Important dates RSP tender with delivery 2027-2038:
- Last date for final proposal submission as qualified provider: 28/02/2025
- Elia’s communication concerning the conclusion of the final assessment at the latest: 01/04/2025
4 Step 4: Sign the contract
As a regulated company, Elia has to request approval for the volumes and prices of the services to be procured.
Elia submits the prices at which it procures system services to the Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation for approval.
Once approved, Elia continues with the contract awarding process.
5 Step 5: Prequalification of the service
Providers must demonstrate their ability to provide the newly procured services before the start of the delivery period. The contractual documents set out the prequalification procedures specific to the services in question.
6 Step 6: Deliver
Those providers whose proposals were retained start delivering the service at the beginning of the delivery period in question.