Public Consultation on the proposal for amendments to the Terms & Conditions for Balance Responsible Parties (T&C BRP)
Elia is organizing a public consultation of the proposal of amendments to the T&C BRP. These changes concern the evolutions of the SDAC & SIDC processes, the Multiple BRP service, BRP perimeter correction in case of activation of technical measures in context of incompressibility, introduction of self-billing, and the management of external inconsistencies. The adjustments to BRP perimeter correction align the T&C BRP with the RfA of CREG. The updates regarding self-billing ensure that the T&C BRP complies with the legal framework as ruled by the VAT administration. The changes concerning External Inconsistencies clarify the current framework and encourage market participants to resolve Day-Ahead inconsistencies during Intraday, which prevents double invoicing.Context
The current revision of the T&C BRP includes the changes proposed during the public consultation that was held between 20 September and 18 October 2024, as well as three new additions. The earlier modifications, discussed during the previous public consultation, include adjustments related to evolutions of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) and Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) processes as well as updates to the BRP Contract to assign multiple BRPs to Delivery Points behind an Access Point. Feedback from the previous consultation has been incorporated into the T&C BRP. This revision introduces three additional changes. The first change concerns the BRP Perimeter Correction. Elia may need to resort to technical curtailment of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) as well as non-RES in order to maintain the balance in the grid during situations of incompressibility. CREG has determined that the perimeter of the BRP should be corrected with the curtailed volumes. The second change involves self-billing. The current system of credit notes is not deemed compliant with the legal framework by the VAT administration, and Elia will therefore switch to a self-billing system. In this system, BRPs will invoice Elia for services provided during the quarters with a financial flow from Elia to the BRP. The third change addresses External Inconsistencies. Market participants have indicated that the current framework for External Inconsistencies is unclear and does not provide a clear incentive to resolve Day-Ahead inconsistencies during Intraday, leading to double invoicing. A solution for this problem is proposed within this revision.
Consultation Period
Elia invites all stakeholders to submit any comments or feedback they may have on the consulted document via the online form during the consultation period from 11 December 2024 to 24 January 2025. It is important to note that while the feedback of the previous public consultation has been incorporated in the text, these will not be formally submitted to CREG. Market parties are invited to reevaluate the first changes as well.
After the consultation period, Elia will collect all comments and feedback from market participants. Elia will analyze these comments and integrate them into a consultation report which will also include Elia's responses to the feedback received. In addition to the consultation report, Elia will publish the reactions of the market players (in a named manner) on the website, unless it is explicitly stated that the contribution is to be considered confidential. The consultation report, as well as the T&C BRP (possibly adapted to take into account market party feedback) will then be submitted to relevant regulators for regulatory approval.
Reply form
Please use the online form to reply to this public consultation: