Formal public consultation on the CRM Functioning Rules
Elia is organising a public consultation of the stakeholders from Friday 22nd of November 2024 to Friday 20th of December 2024 on the Functioning Rules of the Belgian Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (“CRM”).Context
This public consultation takes place in accordance with Art. 7 undecies §12 of the Electricity Act.
This proposal contains the modifications Elia wishes to make to the current set of Functioning Rules as set by the Royal Decree of 30 May 2021 (Dutch – French). The main suggested changes have been presented to the stakeholders in the Adequacy Working Group. After the public consultation, a consultation report will be drafted, the Functioning Rules will be updated on the basis of received comments and will be formally submitted for approval to CREG by 1st of February 2025 at the latest.
The formal validation process of this set of Functioning Rules is foreseen to be finalized with a publication by Elia and the CREG at the latest by 15th of May 2025. The text is then the subject of a Royal Decree published in the Belgian Official Gazette.
Elia has published an erratum on 28/11/2024 where it has corrected small errors in the CRM FR which are consulted on between 22/11/2024 and 20/12/2024.
The corrections consist of:
- In table 2 the requirement ‘Opt-out agreement or difference valuation contract (situation without transfer of energy)’ was unduly removed and has been added again;
- Correction of cross references;
- Correction of the brackets in the formula in §706
Elia considers that these changes do not impact the proposals being consulted upon.
Elia invites all stakeholders to submit any comments and suggestions they may have on the document submitted for consultation.
The consultation period runs from Friday 22nd of November 2024 to Friday 20th of December 2024.
The reactions can be provided to Elia via the form below, where you can indicate the level of confidentiality. It is important to know that Elia will consolidate the different remarks and publish them on its website at the end of the consultation unless the respondent requests confidentiality in its response. Please note that all received feedback (also the confidential ones) may be shared with the members of the CRM Follow-up Committee (“Comité de Suivi”) consisting of representatives from the Federal Public Service Economy-DG Energy, the federal regulator CREG, the office of Federal Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten and Elia, unless the stakeholder explicitly indicates that this is not allowed.
In case of questions, please contact
Documents for consultation
Consultation report
Updated documents