Public consultation on the proposal for Procurement Procedures for Reactive Power Services


Elia is organising a Public consultation on the proposal for Procurement Procedures for Reactive Power Services


Procurement process Reactive Power Services

In application of Article 8 §1/1 of the Electricity Law, Elia is submitting a proposal for the procurement process for providers of Reactive Power Services for public consultation. This proposal includes the provisions currently included in the bidding instructions in tenders organized by Elia.  

To support the consultation, Elia is also providing a justification note explaining the main changes Elia is making to the design of the Reactive Power Services.


Elia invites all stakeholders to submit any comments and suggestions they may have on the document submitted for consultation.
The consultation period runs from 23rd of February to the 25th of March 2024.

After the consultation period, Elia collects all comments and feedback from the market parties. Elia will analyse these comments and integrate them into a consultation report together with Elia’s responses. In addition to the consultation report, Elia will publish the reactions of the market parties (including names) on the website, unless it is explicitly stated that the contribution is to be considered confidential. 

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