26 July 2023
Half-year results: Empowering the grid for a sustainable energy transition
- Grid investments are on track and showing positive progress, with €299.8 million invested in Belgium and €521.5 million in Germany
- Belgium's Federal Development Plan approved, setting course for independent and sustainable energy system
- Second draft of Germany's Grid Development Plan published, enabling climate neutrality and massive integration of renewables
- The German regulator BNetzA has initiated the initial stages of slightly enhancing returns for the period 2024-2028
- Elia Group part of Bel ESG index, reaffirms sustainability commitment with more green instruments to bolster its liquidity
- The net profit Elia Group share totaled €162.5 million1, following solid results across all segments
- The financial outlook for 2023 has been reaffirmed, with an upward revision in CAPEX for Germany. Ensuring adequate funding of capital investment in essential infrastructure is crucial to maintain the momentum of the energy transition and avoid any setbacks that could hinder our progress towards a sustainable future.
1Net profit Elia Group share refers to the net profit attributable to owners of ordinary shares.