Lillo – Galge (Project One connection)

Underground electricity connection to be established between the Lillo high-voltage substation and the future Galge high-voltage substation

British chemical company Ineos has commissioned Elia to connect the new Project One site (to be developed) to the high-voltage grid. Elia will establish this connection via two underground electricity cables that will run under the Scheldelaan.

  • texteThe route

    The Lillo-Galge project spans a distance of 2.9 km and consists of three subphases located in the Port of Antwerp (Scheldelaan)

    1. Directional drilling from the Lillo high-voltage substation, heading north past the Tijsmanstunnel, in the vicinity of the white mill. Drilling will take place above the underground railway tunnel and below the R2, the entrance to the Liefkenshoektunnel under the Scheldt.

    2. Open trench on the left-hand side of the Scheldelaan, extending up to the Project One site.

    3. Directional drilling from the Scheldelaan up to the Project One site, where the company itself will build a new high-voltage substation (the Galge high-voltage substation).


  • texteTraffic situation

    The works that Elia will carry out when connecting Project One to the high-voltage grid will result in a change to the traffic situation on the Scheldelaan: during the works, the two traffic lanes on the Scheldt side will be set up as a worksite zone, as a result of which all traffic on the other side of Scheldelaan will travel in both directions.

    1. Traffic coming from the Tijsmanstunnel (complex R2) and heading north will have two lanes initially, going down to one lane later.

    2. Traffic coming from the north and heading south will be routed into one lane via a crossing through the central reservation near the Project One site. However, this traffic will be able to use the bus lane further up for the last 280 m. So, there will be two lanes and improved traffic flow near the R2 complex.

    3. Collective business transport and the emergency services will continue to use the bus lane as usual. However, they will share the last 280 m of the lane with other traffic (cars and trucks) coming from the north and heading south.

    4. Traffic heading to and from the village of Lillo, coming from the north and heading south, will use a bypass created here, near the village. All traffic will be able to use this bypass as a turning point.

    Businesses will be accessible at all times. Traffic coming from the south and heading north will be able to access the sites as usual after exiting via the turn lane. Traffic coming from the north and heading south will not always be able to exit onto the industrial estates. In certain cases, this traffic will need to drive on and turn using the crossing (bypass) near Lillo. 

  • texteAccess to businesses

    During the works, the entrances of the following companies will be modified in terms of entry and exit.

    Ineos - Project One/Vesta
    Bayer Agriculture 1

    Bayer Agriculture 2

    Advario / Evonik

  • environnementEnvironment

    Elia will aim to keep disruption to a minimum for local residents throughout the works.

    • Elia will limit the works in both space and time
    • After the works have been completed, the sites will be restored to their original condition.
    • Works will only take place during the day, on weekdays. 
    • Elia will use specific driving routes to spread and limit site traffic.
  • Schedule


    • August-September: preparatory work (central reservations, crossings)
    • 24 November: start of the changed traffic situation
    • November-December: drilling in the vicinity of the Lillo complex


    • January-August: cable work in an open trench and drilling to Project One
    • December: restoration of land in its original state
  • docDocuments
  • texteRoad sign plan
  • texteAccessibility plans

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