Gramme-Rimière 380 kV

Project to upgrade the 380 kV Gramme-Rimière line

As part of the energy transition, this project will upgrade the 380 kV overhead line between the Gramme substation in Huy and the Rimière substation in Neupré. The upgrade consists of installing a second three-phase transmission line (electrical circuit) on the current infrastructure.

  • texteBenefits to society
  • texteThe route
  • environnementEnvironment
  • Schedule
  • docDocuments



14 August 2024

Start of works

Following the granting of planning permission on 26 July 2024, work to reinforce the Gramme-Rimière 380 kV overhead line will begin on 19 August 2024. 


06 May 2024

Maintenance work planned on the Gramme-Rimière 380 kV line

At the beginning of May, Elia's teams will be carrying out maintenance work on the intrinsic safety of the pylons at various points on the Gramme-Rimière 380 kV line.

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Our team would be happy to help.

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