Eizeringen - Dilbeek
Dismantling of the overhead line between Lennik and Dilbeek

Benefits to society
Elia is going to dismantle an overhead line (36 kV) between the Eizeringen high-voltage substation in Lennik and the high-voltage substation in Dilbeek. Work has been underway to reinforce the grid in the region since 2022 and the high-voltage substation in Eizeringen is now being supplied by an additional 150-kV connection. In 2024, the 36-kV overhead connection between Lennik and Dilbeek was decommissioned as a result of all the above. Elia will start to dismantle the overhead line in phases in March 2025. -
The route
Elia is going to dismantle an overhead line (36 kV) between Lennik and Dilbeek. The route will start at the Eizeringen high-voltage substation on the Ninoofsesteenweg. The overhead line will be dismantled up to the high-voltage substation on the Kloosterstraat in Dilbeek.
All electricity cables over a length of eight kilometres will be removed. Elia will dismantle a total of 41 high-voltage pylons. Elia wants clear agreements in place to ensure the impact this work has on the environment is kept to a minimum. A site supervisor will regularly check compliance with the following agreements:
- Elia will work in phases to limit the duration and scale of the impact on the surrounding area.
- Access to homes and businesses will be possible at all times while the work is in progress.
- Site traffic will use the shortest, safest and most accessible routes.
- Possible diversions will be discussed with the relevant authorities and announced to local residents in advance.
- When removing electricity cables, protective wooden frames or cranes will be used to mitigate disruption and any impact on the local area.
- Pedestrians and cyclists will always be able to pass the worksites safely.
- Once work is complete, the worksites will always be restored to their original state.
The overhead line will be dismantled in two phases:
- March-July 2025: from the pylon at the intersection between the Bruine-Lieveheerstraat and Kattenstraat in Dilbeek to the pylon at the high-voltage substation in Eizeringen.
- August-September 2025: from the high-voltage substation in Dilbeek to the pylon near Stationsstraat 178 in Dilbeek.
Contact us
If you are affected by a project and want to ask us something, please feel free to contact us.
Our team would be happy to help.