Corporate bodies
The composition of the various management bodies within Elia is aimed at meeting the highest standards in the area of corporate governance.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Elia Transmission Belgium SA and Elia Asset SA currently consists of 11 members each, whereof 6 non independent directors and 5 independent directors. They do not perform any management function within either Elia Transmission Belgium SA or Elia Asset SA.
The same Directors sit on the Boards of both companies. Independent Directors meet the conditions of independence as defined in article 7:87 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations. Independent directors according to the law of April 29, 1999 regarding the organisation of the electricity market (as later amended).
Roberte Kesteman
Non-executive Independent Director.
Ms Kesteman is the former CEO (2008-2012) and CFO and HR Director (2002-2008) of Nuon Belgium SA/NV. She is the former Chairwoman of FEBEG. Born in 1957, Ms Kesteman holds a Master in Commercial and Consular Sciences from the Vlaamse Economische Hogeschool Brussel and attended the International Corporate Finance Course at INSEAD (France). -
Laurence de l’Escaille
Non-executive Independent Director.
After completing her university studies at the University of Oxford and Johns Hopkins University in Washington DC, Laurence de l’Escaille began her career in 2008 as an analyst at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London. She then joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF) where she was in charge of research programs for the Monetary and Capital Markets Department. Her career continued at McKinsey & Company as a Partner. There, she directed several major strategic and operational advisory programs in Europe and Africa for eight years, with a particular attention to issues relating to electrification and the energy transition. In 2020, she joined the Belgian Federal Governments’ COVID-19 Commissariat, where she focused primarily on strategic planning for COVID-19 vaccine deployment. -
Pieter De Crem
Non-executive Director appointed upon proposal of Publi-T.
Mr De Crem began his political career in 1989 as an attaché to the staff of Prime Minister Wilfried Martens. In 1994, he was elected Mayor of Aalter, a position he still holds today. He was elected to the Belgian Federal Parliament for the first time in 1995, and then served as President of the CD&V Group in the House of Representatives (2003-2007) and as chairman of the Home Affairs Committee in 2007.Mr De Crem has served as Minister of Defense (2007-2014), State’s Secretary of Foreign Trade (2014-2018), and Minister of Home Affairs and Security (2018-2020). He has also served as Deputy Prime Minister (2013-2014) and as the federal government's special envoy for the MYRRHA research project based in the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (2017-2018). Born in 1962, Mr De Crem holds a Master in Romance philology from the University of Leuven (KUL), a Master in European and lnternational Law from the University of Brussels (VUB) and a Degree from Harvard Business School (APM).
Geert Versnick
Non-executive Director appointed upon proposal of Publi-T and Vice Chairman.
Mr Versnick is a former lawyer. He was Vice-Governor of the Province of East Flanders, Member of the City Council of the city of Ghent and also member of the Belgian federal Parliament. He is director of Clancy Corporation BV. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Publi-T SC/CV. Born in 1956, Mr Versnick holds a Master of Laws from the University of Ghent, a certificate of Board Effectiveness from Guberna and a certificate of High Performance Boards from IMD. In addition, he attended the Board Education retreat organised by IMD and the AVIRA program organised by INSEAD (France) -
Michel Allé
Non-executive Independent Director.
Mr Allé is the former Chief Financial Officer of SNCB SA/NV (2013-2015) and SNCB Holding SA/NV (2005-2013). Prior to his functions with SNCB and SNCB Holding, he served as Chief Financial Officer of BIAC SA/NV (2001-2005). Born in 1950, Mr. Allé holds a Master in Physics Civil Engineering and a Master in Economics from the University of Brussels (ULB). Alongside his professional experience, he has a long academic experience with the University of Brussels (ULB) (Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management & Ecole Polytechnique). Today, he is Honorary Professor of that same University. -
Saskia Van Uffelen
Non-executive Independent Director.
Mrs Van Uffelen started her career in the IT sector in 1984 and held several roles in IT companies such as Xerox, Compaq Computer, Hewlett-Packard Belux and Northgatearinso. She became CEO of Bull Belux in 2008, and then CEO of Ericsson Belux between 2014 and 2019. She serves as director of Axa Insurance Belgium and Arcadiz Telecom. She is the chairman of the board of directors of Flanders Future Techfund and Media Invest Vlaanderen. She assumes the position of digital manager of Agoria VZW/ASBL and director of Cyber Security Coalition VZW/ASBL. As Belgian Digital Skills Lead she represents Belgium at DG Connect EU. Van Uffelen was named ICT Woman of the year in 2011. Born in 1961, she holds a degree from the Hoger Pedagisch Instituut Antwerp (pedagogy) and a degree from the Hoger Instituut voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding Antwerpen (physical education). -
Interfin represented by Thibaud Wyngaard
Non-executive Director appointed upon proposal of Publi-T.
Interfin SC/CV, represented by its permanent representative Thibaud Wyngaard
Mr Wyngaard is first alderman of Uccle in charge of Public Works, Mobility, Parking and Sports. Prior to his political functions, he was with the Legal Department of the Royal Belgian Football Association (2006-2008). He served as an assistant and researcher at the Public Law Centre of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (2008-2010), where he currently serves as Assistant in the Faculty of Law. He served as political secretary of the Ecolo group in the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region (2010-2018). He served as President of the Port of Brussels (2013-2014). He is Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Comité directeur of Sibelga. He is also Chairman of the Audit Committee of Sibelga. He serves as Director (member of the Bureau) of Interfin, Publi-T, and Brutélé. He is also a Member of the High Counsel of Sports (Conseil Supérieur des Sports). Born in 1983, Mr Wyngaard holds a Master in Law with a major in public law from the University of Brussels (ULB), a Complementary Master in environmental law and public real estate law from the University Faculty of Saint-Louis.
Dominique Offergeld
Non-executive Director appointed upon proposal of Publi-T.
Ms Offergeld is the Chief Financial Officer of ORES SRL/BV (since 2008). She is Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Publi-T SC/CV.
She held the function of deputy chief of staff of the Minister of Mobility (2014-2016) and of the Minister of Energy (2004-2008). She was General Counsel at SNCB Holding (2005-2008) and also chairwoman of the Board (2004-2005). She has exercised the function of expert of two Vice-Ministers of the Walloon Region (1999-2001) and federal State (2001 – 2004) and Credit analyst at the “Generale de Banque” (BNP Paribas Fortis) (1988-1999). She was also appointed as Belgocontrol Government Commissar (2014-2016), as Vice-President of the "Institut des Radio Eléments” (IRE) (2005-2013) and as Fluxys Government Commissar (2004-2008).Born in 1963, Ms Offergeld holds a Master in Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Namur, a certificate of General Management from INSEAD (France) and a Certificate of Corporate Governance from Guberna.
Els Neirynck
Non-executive Independent Director.
Mrs Neirynck has extensive experience as a chief financial officer (CFO) in various companies. She serves as Chief Financial Officer to the TFP Group (an international group of fertility clinics) (since 2021) and to Looping Group (since 2019). Prior to these functions, Els Neirynck was CFO of Joris Ide Group (2009 – 2018), Vitalo Group (2005 – 2008) and interim CFO of Beltaste (Van Reusel) (in 2018) and Atos Origin Benelux (2008 – 2009). Born in 1967, Els Neirynck has obtained a master’s degree in economics at the University of Gent (1989), a master after master in corporate tax (1991), a master after master in corporate finance at EHSAL Brussel (1997) and a master in Mergers & Acquisitions at the London Business School. -
Bernard Thiry
Non-executive Director appointed upon proposal of Publi-T and Vice Chairman.
Born in 1955, Bernard Thiry obtained a master in Economics at the University of Liège in 1979. He graduated at Stanford University (USA) and then obtained a PhD in Economics at the University of Liège in 1985. In 1989, he started his academic career at the University of Liège, which he continues as a professor at HEC-ULg School of Management (currently as professor emeritus). He was director of the CREG, chairman of Forem’s management committee, and chairman of the Union nationale des mutualités socialistes. From 2008 to 2016, he was CEO of Ethias. Bernard Thiry currently serves as director of Publi-T, Publipart and vice-chairman of Publigaz. He is also chairman of the board of directors of SOCOFE and of Solidaris Assurances and Intégrale Luxembourg. -
Eddy Vermoesen
Non-executive Director appointed upon proposal of Publi-T.
Born in 1952, Eddy Vermoesen received his academic training at the Royal Military Academy and the School for Military Directors. At KU Leuven, he obtained a master's degree in government management and public administration. Within Defence, he was budget manager of the Medical Service and later administrative director of the Military Hospital in Neder-over-Heembeek. He was also a member of the board of censors of the National Bank of Belgium. He currently serves as director of Publi-T and vice-chairman of IGEAN (autonomy public company active within support services), director of Wind for A and vice-chairman of FINEG (Financieringsholding voor Elektriciteits- en aardGasverkoop). He is also alderman of finance in the municipality of Aartselaar.
Advisory Committees to the Board of Directors
In accordance with legal and statutory provisions, the Boards of Directors of Elia Transmission Belgium SA and Elia Asset SA are assisted by three Advisory Committees. The Advisory Committees of both companies have the same composition.
Corporate governance Committee
- Roberte Kesteman*, Chairwoman of the Corporate Governance Committee
- Saskia Van Uffelen*
- Laurence de l’Escaille*
- Dominique Offergeld
- Pieter De Crem
Remuneration Committee
- Dominique Offergeld, Chairwoman of the Remuneration Committee
- Roberte Kesteman*
- Saskia Van Uffelen*
- Pieter De Crem
- Laurence de l’Escaille*
Audit Committee
- Michel Allé*, Chairman of the Audit Committee
- Els Neirynck*
- Roberte Kesteman*
- Dominique Offergeld
- Eddy Vermoesen
* Independent directors according to the law of April 29, 1999 regarding the organization of the electricity market (as modified later on).
Executive Committee
The Executive Committees of Elia Transmission Belgium SA/NV and Elia Asset SA/NV consist of the seven members. These are all independent members in accordance with legal and statutory provisions. The same members sit on the Executive Committees of both companies.

Chief Human Resources and
Internal Communication Officer

Chief Assets Officer

Chief Infrastructure Officer

Chief Public & Regulatory Affairs and External Relations Officer

Chief Customers, Markets & System Officer