Formal public consultation on the CRM Capacity Contract


Today, Tuesday 2 April 2024, Elia launches a formal public consultation of the stakeholders on the standard capacity contract with a view to its approval by the CREG. 


In the framework of the Belgian capacity remuneration mechanism, the CRM capacity contract will be signed between a capacity provider and Elia as referred to in article 7undecies § 7, al. 1 of the Electricity Act. 
This capacity contract is to be considered as a proposal from Elia submitted for public consultation to the market and stakeholders in WG Adequacy. After the public consultation, a consultation report will be drafted, the capacity contract will be updated on the basis of received comments and will be formally submitted for approval to CREG. The formal validation process of these capacity contracts is foreseen in the upcoming months.


The stakeholders are kindly requested to provide their comments and suggestions within four weeks after the launch of the consultation. The feedback is hence expected at the latest by Tuesday 30 April 2024 at 6 pm.

The reactions can be provided to Elia via the form below, where you can indicate the level of confidentiality. It is important to know that Elia will consolidate the different remarks and publish them on its website at the end of the consultation unless the respondent requests confidentiality in its response. Please note that all received feedback (also the confidential ones) may be shared with the members of the CRM Follow-up Committee (“Comité de Suivi”) consisting of representatives from the Federal Public Service Economy-DG Energy, the federal regulator CREG, the office of Federal Energy Minister Van der Straeten and Elia, unless the stakeholder explicitly indicates that this is not allowed.

In case of questions, please contact:

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