Public consultation of the study on the BRP perimeter adjustments applied in case of the activation of mFRR or redispatch energy bids
Elia is organizing a public consultation of the study on potential evolutions of the perimeter adjustments applied to the balancing perimeter of the balance responsible party (BRP) in case of the activation of mFRR or redispatch energy bids. This study aims to determine the most suitable design for these perimeter adjustments. To this end, different options for the BRP perimeter adjustments are proposed and their impact is analyzed. Specific attention is given to:
- The impact on the allocation of the balance responsibility (in case of imbalances resulting from under or overdelivery of the activated bids) and the implications for the recovery of the balancing costs;
- The impact on the financial incentives for correct delivery of the activated bids;
- The possibilities to enable different parties to take up the role of BRP/Supplier and scheduling agent (SA) or balancing service provider (BSP).
In case Elia activates an mFRR or redispatch energy bid, Elia adjusts the balancing perimeter of the BRP. Currently, the balancing perimeter of the BRP is adjusted with the energy volume requested during the activation. In the context of different evolutions, questions are raised regarding the BRP perimeter adjustments currently applied.
First, there is the question of how to ensure that the perimeter adjustments (and the resulting exposure to the imbalance price) do not result in financial incentives for not (fully) delivering the requested energy in certain moments.
Second, it is foreseen that in the future, different parties will be able to take up the roles of SA or BSP on the one hand, and the role of BRP/Supplier on the other hand. In that case, a framework needs to be put in place to ensure that the BRP/Supplier are not impacted by the (possible incorrect) activation of flexibility by the SA/BSP. For mFRR, a framework is in place (for certain types of delivery points) while for redispatching, no such framework exists today but a framework was proposed several years ago at the beginning of the iCAROS project. Both frameworks differ, notably with respect to the perimeter adjustments applied.
Third, the activation profiles for the activation of mFRR and redispatch energy bids will be adapted and formalized in the context of the MARI and iCAROS projects. As a consequence, there is a question of whether or not the so-called block approach for the perimeter adjustments currently applied would need to be adapted (and if yes, in which way).
In this context, this study aims to perform a holistic assessment related to the BRP perimeter adjustment to be applied in case of the activation of an mFRR or redispatch energy bid, with the final objective of proposing the most suitable design for these perimeter adjustments.
Elia invites all stakeholders to submit any comments and suggestions they may have on the documents submitted for consultation.
The consultation period runs from 7 July 2023 to 31 August 2023.
After the consultation period, Elia will analyze and integrate in a consultation report the collected reactions from the market parties as well as Elia’s responses to them. Elia will publish on its website this consultation report together with the reactions of the market parties (including names) that are not explicitly indicated as confidential.
Documents for consultation
Consultation report
Updated documents