22 June 2021
TideWise from Brazil wins Elia Group’s Open Innovation Challenge
TideWise is this year’s winner of the Open Innovation Challenge, a joint initiative organised by the Belgian and German transmission system operators Elia and 50Hertz.
The competition aims to foster innovation in areas related to Elia Group’s work as a system operator. The focus this year was on innovative solutions for offshore wind integration. From the 78 teams who initially applied to take part in the competition, the jury chose Brazilian start-up TideWise as the winner because its technology can quickly provide a solution to offshore challenges within Elia Group.
- TideWise has developed an unmanned surface vehicle with advanced sensors that increases the efficiency of underwater inspections
- The jury was particularly enthusiastic about the relevance and applicability of the technology
- The Open Innovation Challenge is aimed at start-ups from all over the world
- This year, the competition – which was the competition’s fifth year – focused on innovative solutions for offshore wind applications
- TideWise will receive €20,000 and the opportunity to develop its project with support from Elia Group teams