Preliminary information session
- allowing Elia to present the project to the general public;
- enabling members of the public to learn more about the project and make observations and suggestions about it;
- allowing Elia to highlight specific points that may be addressed in the impact assessment;
- allowing Elia to consider any technical alternatives that might be presented by members of the public, so that they are taken into account when carrying out the impact assessment.
The project team would like to officially invite you to this preliminary information session, which will be held on 22 November 2021 at 7 p.m. in a tent, Place de la Gare à 4260 Fumal
In addition to this legally required information session, Elia and the municipal authorities will also be hosting a second public information session about the project on Tuesday 23 November 2021 at 7 p.m. at Salle Jacques Brel, Rue Delloye, 4520 Wanze.
In order to ensure that these sessions comply with all the relevant social distancing measures, and so to guarantee everyone's health and safety, we would like to ask anyone wishing to attend these meetings to register for them ahead of time in one of the following ways:
- byclicking here to register (in French);
- by calling 0800 18 002 (freephone number available every working day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.).
In parallel with the legal procedure and in collaboration with the municipal authorities of Wanze, a Q&A session will also be organised on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wanze municipal administration (located at Chaussée de Wavre 39, 4520 Wanze).
In view of the current public health context, this Q&A session will be accessible only to those who register ahead of time. Appointments must be made with the Environment Department, preferably by e-mail (, tel. 085 / 27.35.40) by no later than 12 noon on Friday, 19 November.
Meetings with the general public organised by Elia are always held in strict compliance with the applicable public health rules.
Public health measures in force on 22 November 2021:
The Walloon Decree of 20 October 2021 on the use of the COVID Safe Ticket (CST) was published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 28.10.2021.
Article 5 of the Decree provides for an exception to the use of the CST when an event is accessed in connection with or with a view to meeting a legal or regulatory obligation.
Since the advance public information meetings for category B projects are a legal obligation under Article 29-5 of the Environmental Code, Elia will not be able to require the use of the COVID Safe Ticket for the meeting Tihange-Avernas on 22.11.2021.
Consequently, social distancing, mask wearing and other preventive measures must be applied for this meeting, as provided under Article 10 of the Walloon Decree.