Pupils play ElectriCITY game during school visit in Aalst

During the school visit on Friday, 8 December, pupils from the 5th and 6th years of primary school SAB in Aalst played the ElectriCITY game. Through this game, pupils come into contact with the complex topic of energy transition in a playful and interactive way. It was an exciting and instructive morning.

Exploring with Kim and Tim or Tom and Léa

Before the pupils got started with the board game, enthusiastic Elia employees made a presentation about the company, the high-voltage grid and energy transition. Together with cartoon characters, Kim and Tim (for the Dutch version) or Tom and Léa (for the French version), the pupils then explored the world of electricity and energy saving for themselves. Using the board game, the pupils were challenged to build high-voltage lines and ensure sufficient energy in their town. They soon found that this is not as simple as they first thought…

Renovation of high-voltage substation

Elia is currently renovating the high-voltage substation in Aalst. The existing high-voltage substation is being replaced by a future-oriented substation that will ensure and strengthen the region's electricity supply. The entire site will be integrated into the expansion of the city park. So, everything the pupils learned during the school visit will certainly come in handy!

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