Call for projects from the Be Planet Foundation
To support citizens' initiatives in Beauraing, Hastière and Houyet, the Be Planet Foundation is launching a call for projects in these municipalities, in partnership with them and with the support of Elia, the electricity transmission system operator.
The aim of this call for projects is to select and support projects led by citizens' initiatives in favour of the ecological transition and sustainable development.
Non-profit organisations, collectives and other citizens' initiatives can submit their applications by noon on 20 October 2023. The Be Planet Foundation will be holding a number of informative workshops to keep citizens up to date about the initiative. Once the applications have been received, those that are admissible will be put to the vote by the public, who will be able to elect their "favourite". This favourite will be automatically selected for funding by the jury.
The other projects will of course also be presented to the panel of experts. A maximum budget of €40,000 will be awarded for each project selected. All told, a budget of €130,000 will be allocated to the various projects. This budget is allocated by Elia to the Be Planet Foundation as part of the support measures linked to the Hastière-Pondrôme infrastructure project. When it comes to selecting projects, various criteria will be taken into account, such as the environmental and socio-economic impact, the feasibility and sustainability of the project, the level of participation, etc. The winners will then be announced in February 2024.
All the information on the process and regulations is available at the following link.