Public consultation on the revision of the FCR and aFRR Energy Management Strategies requirements for Delivery Points with Limited Energy Reservoirs


Elia is organizing a public consultation on the revision of the requirements for Energy Management Strategy (EMS) applicable for Delivery Points with Limited Energy Reservoirs (DP with LER) participating to the FCR and/or aFRR balancing markets.

The public consultation comprises the following documents:
  • A new version of the EMS requirements applicable for both FCR and aFRR. It must be noted that this document aims to replace the former documents describing the individual EMS requirements for FCR and aFRR separately. 
  • An explanatory note describing the main changes introduced in the EMS requirements and the context/motivation for each change. It must be noted that the explanatory note also describes the assessment related to the need and possibilities for putting in place specific control mechanisms for the EMS and the corresponding recommendation of Elia. As such, the explanatory note forms an integral part of the consultation. However, the proposed monitoring approach would require certain amendments to the T&C BSP FCR and aFRR and therefore will not be applicable before such those amendments are performed and the EMS requirements are adapted accordingly.
  • A template containing a descriptive part as well as the table to be used for the simulations of the EMS. 


For aFRR and FCR, delivery points with limited energy reservoir must currently provide their energy management strategy to Elia, which aims to prove the ability of the delivery point (on its own or together with other Delivery Points in the pool of the BSP) to comply with the requirements of the aFRR/FCR service. Elia publishes documents describing a non-exhaustive list of Energy Management Strategies that Elia could approve or not approve, and the corresponding information required from the BSP. The current EMS requirements for aFRR and FCR however do not (explicitly) consider the simultaneous participation of a Delivery Point to multiple (balancing) services. 

Elia expects the amount and size of Delivery Points with Limited Energy Reservoir to grow significantly. Currently, these assets participate in the FCR and/or aFRR markets, as well as in non-contracted flexibility services such as intraday markets. Given the current trends, Elia expects a growing interest from the market parties to participate in the simultaneous provision of different services (e.g., FCR, aFRR, intraday markets).

In this context, Elia has assessed the sufficiency of the current EMS requirements and found that clarifications are needed with respect to the EMS requirements for DPs with LER participating to multiple services. 

In addition, Elia took the opportunity to re-assess some of the EMS requirements as well as the processes in place with respect to the submission and validation process of an EMS.

Finally, Elia has assessed the need and possibilities for specific control mechanisms aiming to ensure that i) BSPs effectively operate the DPs with LER in line with the validated EMS, and ii) that the validated EMS remains sufficient to comply with the requirements of the service. 


Elia invites all stakeholders to submit any comments and suggestions they may have on the documents submitted for consultation. 

The consultation period runs from 11 October 2024 to 11 November 2024.

After the consultation period, Elia will analyze and integrate in a consultation report the collected reactions from the market parties as well as Elia’s responses to them. Elia will publish on its website this consultation report together with the reactions of the market parties (including names) that are not explicitly indicated as confidential.  

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