Public consultation regarding the revision of the Access Contract
Elia is organizing the public consultation regarding the revision of the Access contract in line with Federal Grid Code (FGC), more specifically in line with provisions related to the Access contract (article 191 FGR) and the obligation to define a procedure to unilaterally terminate the appointment of the access holder and/or balancing responsible party (article 198 FGR).Update
We would hereby like to inform you of the fact that, at the request of a number of regulators for the sake of transparency, the new version of the Access Contract needs to be consulted again.
In 2017 and 2018, extensive consultations were held with the market parties within the framework of the Working Group Belgian Grid about possible points for improvement to the applicable Access Contract. However, this consultation had been put on hold due to the start of the extensive revision of the Federal Grid Code (FGC) in response to the European grid codes.
The FGC contains a specific chapter on access to the Elia grid, including an article that determines what must be included in the Access Contract (article 191 FGC). In addition, the Access Contract also stipulates that Elia must provide for a procedure regarding unilaterally terminate the appointment of the access holder and/or balancing responsible party, hereafter referred to as the drop-off procedure (in accordance with article 198 of the FGC).
After the publication and after the FGC entered into force, the consultation with the market parties on the drop-off procedure was initiated and a note was drafted by Elia containing a first proposal for a possible drop-off procedure, which was publicly consulted from 10 June to 10 July 2020. In parallel with the consultation on this drop-off procedure, Elia has started an in-depth revision of the Access Contract, in line with the discussions held in the Working Group Belgian Grid in 2017 and 2018.
The members of the Working Group Belgian Grid already received a proposal to modify the Access Contract with the possibility to give initial informal feedback. Following this informal consultation within the Working Group Belgian Grid, Elia is submitting this proposal to amend the Access Contract for public consultation.
Elia invites all stakeholders to submit their comments and/or suggestions they may have on the documents submitted for consultation.
The consultation period runs from 11 February until 13 March 2022.
After the consultation period, Elia collects all comments and feedback from the market parties. Elia will analyze these comments and integrate them into a consultation report together with Elia’s responses. In addition to the consultation report, Elia will publish the reactions of the market parties (including names) on the website, unless it is explicitly stated that the contribution is to be considered confidential.
Afterwards, the Access Contract will be submitted to the relevant regulators for approval.
Reply form
Please use the online form to respond to this public consultation: