07 June 2024

European officials visit Nemo Link

As part of the schedule of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of European Union, Elia Transmission Belgium and Nemo Link hosted a tour of its converter station in Zeebrugge.

A group of 65 visitors – comprising energy attachés from EU permanent representations, representatives from the European Commission and the Council secretariat, officials from Belgium’s FPS Economy and diplomats from some of the EU’s neighbouring countries – took part in the tour. Staff from Elia and Nemo Link took their visitors through the interconnector’s role and operation, including the framework that covers this. Some of the key challenges that Nemo Link is facing related to Brexit, and the fact that the UK and EU will need to work together to resolve these, were also discussed. Nemo Link, which has been operational since January 2019, was Belgium’s first subsea electricity interconnector. It enables electricity to be exchanged between Belgium and Great Britain, improving their security of supply, and gives consumers in both countries access to cheaper electricity generated abroad.
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