Elia restarts works on underground cable in Kluisbergen
High-voltage system operator Elia today restarted works on the laying of the underground cable between Ruien and Chièvres. Work was halted due to a bentonite outbreak near the Scheldestraat in Kluisbergen.
The route of the underground cable was slightly modified in consultation with the municipality of Kluisbergen to avoid the affected houses in the Scheldestraat. The contractor will also continuously monitor the pressure of the drilling to avoid an outbreak. The works were stopped for 9 days in total.
High-voltage system operator Elia is working on laying an underground cable between the high-voltage substation of Ruien (Kluisbergen) and Chièvres (in Hainaut province) to replace the high-voltage line that will be demolished. The works in the Flemish Region were located near the Scheldestraat in Kluisbergen until a bentonite outbreak halted the works for just over a week. Bentonite is a naturally occurring type of clay and is not harmful, but it can cause nuisance. A total of two homes were affected. After the incident, Elia immediately sent the site supervisor, the contractor and a cleaning team to the work site and, together with the mayor, also visited the affected residents.
Route slightly altered
A solution was sought in consultation with the mayor and the contractor. The route will be slightly modified to avoid the affected residents and the contractor is also taking measures. The pressure put on the rods during the directional drilling will be monitored more closely. Pressure loss could indeed be an indication that there is another bentonite outbreak, something we want to avoid. The situation will also be continuously monitored by a stability engineer and a surveyor to avoid further damage to the houses. After all, every case of damage is one too many.
The traffic ban in Scheldestraat will remain in force for the time being. Vehicles will be diverted via Grote Herreweg and Kapellestraat.